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  • mcchech replied to the topic Is cash flow positive possible using a buyers agent ????? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 6 months ago

    Hi chetnik, We recently purchase through We Find Houses (  They do positive-cash flow properties across the whole of Aus.  I can thoroughly recommend them, and very reasonably priced.  Like you, we are time-poor and didn't feel like WA was the best place to buy at the moment, so a buyers agent was a great move…[Read more]

  • mcchech replied to the topic Active topics in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 17 years, 9 months ago

    I just discovered this a couple of days ago.  I realised that I'd missed a lot of posts because I go straight to 'Active Topics'.  Now, I have to go into each forum to make sure I catch them all.  Very annoying.

  • mcchech replied to the topic Exceptional accountant required in Perth in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 10 months ago

    Hi, Mack & Co were recommended in a thread a while back, so I made an appointment with them 2 weeks ago.  The accountant I spoke to tried to tell me that you couldn't negatively gear in any trust structure.  Now, I know that not to be true, so I was a bit disappointed.  I guess you need to make sure you are talking to the right accountant at th…[Read more]


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