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Jerzy Balowski

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Banks offering lower rates to new customers in the forum No Subject 19 years, 6 months ago

    Dear oh dear TMA, you first ask :-

    Jerzy, your example is what most brokers hate.

    A reply that I felt needed clarification. You then ask:-

    Where did you get the impression that my comments applied to your example

    Which example are you referring to then? We must be talking about the same thing, as I have only stated one example.

    What do you…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Banks offering lower rates to new customers in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago

    Jenny, thanks for your comments. Although I havn’t posted many replies on this forum, I am an avid reader and have been for a couple of years. This will probably give him a big head, (hope he’s not reading this) but I quite like reading TMA’s post’s and often find myself agreeing with him whenever he has a vibrant discussion with some of the…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Banks offering lower rates to new customers in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago

    Excuse me TMA, but my initial comments were in reply to a situation experienced by NATS12 that I found familiar.

    Jerzy, I read your post just fine and my response was adequate.

    No, you did not read my first post accurately, because you somehow assumed that I stuffed around a broker, when there wasn’t one involved. Sorry for feeling the need to…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Banks offering lower rates to new customers in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago

    TMA, I was only pointing out that you did not read my post correctly to make a valid reply. No broker was harmed or put out during the making of my loan application, so rest easy my friend.

    Jerzy, your example is what most brokers hate. They do a heap of work to get you a better deal elsewhere and you end up staying with the lender that has been…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Banks offering lower rates to new customers in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago

    FYI TMA, I did not go through a broker for this loan. I dealt with the local branch manager face to face.

    Surely if you had read my post properly you would have noticed that I did not mention a broker being involved. Also, I did state that it was 8 years ago, and you would have to admit, being a broker yourself, that the finance industry was a…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Banks offering lower rates to new customers in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Nats,

    I went through this crap with my bank about 8 years ago.

    I put it to them, that as a loyal customer of theirs for the previous 6 years, I found it unfair that loyalty was not being rewarded. Their response, more or less, was bad luck mate. I shopped around and found a better loan elsewhere. All of a sudden my bank came back and decided…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Property Market heading downwards? in the forum General Property 19 years, 8 months ago

    Spot On Resi !

    100% spot On.

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Cleaning concrete in the forum No Subject 19 years, 9 months ago

    I havn’t tried it myself, but I heard coca cola works well.

    Considering what it does to your teeth, I wouldn’t be surprised.

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Olly Newland book – The Day The Bubble Bursts in the forum General Property 19 years, 11 months ago

    OSienna, Its you who should settle down.

    Unlike yourself, I can see Jeff’s point clearly, and can appreciate his contribution.

    What have you done in this post to contribute, other than to dispute another persons opinion ?
    You seem to think that Jeff has no right to post an opinion about a particular author, despite the fact that he has read a…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Negative gearing – investing in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by foundation:
    Originally posted by Jerzy Balowski:
    Foundation, would you like to elaborate ? Did the above investors do their due diligence at the time ? Seeing that I dont have a clue about what you are refering to above, I wont even try to speculate.

    If you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, I would suggest that you…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Negative gearing – investing in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by Chipper:
    Originally posted by Jerzy Balowski:
    imagine your property, worth $318,000 in 2000, and holding on to that property, only for it to be worth $150,000 today.

    This scenario is virtually unheard of in real estate, including all the two-tier marketing horror stories, yet it is common in the share market.

    welli used…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Negative gearing – investing in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    “Virtually unheard of in real estate”? Try telling that to the Japanese who invested in property prior to 1991 or the San Franciscans or Londoners who invested in 1989!

    Foundation, would you like to elaborate ? Did the above investors do their due diligence at the time ? Seeing that I dont have a clue about what you are refering to above, I wont…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Negative gearing – investing in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago


    I would be very wary of any quote that states that AMP has risen 132% over any period of time.

    I had unloaded my AMP shares 5 years ago for $15.90. Now they are around the $7.50 mark. Multiply those figures by 20,000 and imagine your property, worth $318,000 in 2000, and holding on to that property, only for it to be worth $150,000…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Latham or Howard – seriosuly! in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 4 months ago

    Ahhhh Comrade Ruggers, you old poodle you.

    I’m not really a Lefty, just anti extreme Right Wing. Straight down the centre, if you like. But thats ok, I’m cool with Lefty, when compared to Mussollini.
    In fact, I could just as easily disagree with a bleeding heart trotskyite, if there were any around. Its just that they dont take the bait so…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Latham or Howard – seriosuly! in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 4 months ago

    Ted, Ted, Ted

    If only you could just go to a shop and buy some credibility. You’d then have some hope.

    Firstly, What does the link to that newspaper article from The Australian, have to do with our supposed present working relationship with Indonesia ? The same Indonesia, by the way, that you suggest in an earlier post we aim a nuke at.

    Was I…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Latham or Howard – seriosuly! in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 4 months ago


    Was a good idea then to stop the reckless culling of crocodiles then but 220 million at once, I dont think so ;-) Bob Brown would let them all in though..

    Warmongering pfffft Australia has got better working relations with Indonesia post Bali/ Jakarta bombings and Timor. The bowing down/ foreign relations work done by Keating/Beazley…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Yes Finally in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 4 months ago

    Who are Port Adelaide ?

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Latham or Howard – seriosuly! in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 5 months ago

    Originally posted by SuperTed:
    Imagine Latham as Prime minister (speaking on the International stage for us and constantly backpeddlling when put on the spot).

    Crean as Treasurer (the ALP’s first real budget announcement several months ago was already 1 billion short when it was financed properly, Costello found the stuff up for them).

    Beasley…[Read more]

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Latham or Howard – seriosuly! in the forum No Subject 20 years, 5 months ago


    You’ll find that on the general political scale, it is the Tories, led by Honest John Howard, as the party which espouses the rhetoric within Mein Kampf (spelt correctly).
    Mark Latham would prefer little kiddies read something by Trotsky or Karl Marx. No relation to Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Zeppo or Gummo.

  • Jerzy Balowski replied to the topic Trust Magic in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years, 9 months ago

    You can only order it from Dale Gatherum Goss. Check out their website.

    Its $99.00 but well worth getting.

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Jerzy Balowski

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