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  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic Invest in an emerging real estate market : EGYPT in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 10 months ago

    andymoose wrote:
    Hi, Interesting to read about Egyptian property oppurtunities!! I have just been working there for the last 18 months (construction/mining) and travelled through there 5 years ago… short, Im sorry to say I wouldn't be interested & would warn people to think VERY carefully before "investing" there. Yeah sure its a great…[Read more]

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic Why invest in Dubai… in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 10 months ago

    Mystery wrote:
    Geez, they are bargain priced …… lolI used the currency converter on the cheapest property I found on your site and it is $753,000 AUD for a 2 room or 2 bedroom I presume. Way over my risk factor ……. good luck

    Generally in Dubai you can enter the market for about $300,000 AUS or even less if you find units that have come…[Read more]

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic Why invest in Dubai… in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 10 months ago

    You can get finance from several sources. We work with developers who have some 10 or so banks in hand. Some will lend to non -nationals without Dubai status and without having a job there. There are also a growing number of 'Globally' known banks for want of a better word that will lend to a very wide range of nationalities.Not every country is…[Read more]

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic Investing in US property market now – best way? in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 10 months ago

    We have a number of  clients waiting in the wings so to speak. Very odd waiting for the locals to foreclose or simply walk away from the units they reserved back as long ago as 2004. We are getting offered deals but there is still from what is being said an element of have we bottomed out yet? Just today the press noted California property losing…[Read more]

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic New to investing in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years ago

    I cannot see an answer readily to the question. We have read and are aware that there are no restrictions on foreigners / non nationals buying property except in Oklahoma where foreigners are not allowed to buy land but they can buy condominiums.That said of course you cannot use the property as you need to adhere to the time limits set by the…[Read more]

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic The American Dollar… beware? in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years, 2 months ago

    Having lived in Canada for 2 years we have not even heard of the idea and knowing how much apart the 3 Amigos are – US, Canada and Mexico we could never ever see that happening unless the US invaded both countries and what point would there be in re-naming the Greenback?Very odd to even think about it.Paul

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic Investing in Europe in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years, 2 months ago

    One spot you may want to look at is Germany – not so much the residential side that is flat but commercial or retail. The prices are well below the level of comparable cities in Europe like Paris, London (of course) and Madrid. Not really on the radar and has been left behind. Really depends on how much of a cold the markets overall get from the…[Read more]

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic Indian properties in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years, 2 months ago

    India – we have been inundated with offers to present property located in India to our database and post online. To be honest we have found it very difficult market as it seems to be littered with people not telling the truth. Buyers beware. If you want to look at new markets it may be better to explore them with known globally represented…[Read more]

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic Commercial properties. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 8 months ago

    The growth rate in Commercial Real Estate in Dubai has been on the increase for some months. It has taken over from Residential in terms of the take-up rate and we are now seeing REITS and Fund Management Groups buying up wholesale. Look for where companies are re-locating to and why. This will give you a good indication of trends. Looking for…[Read more]

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic Due Diligence on International Properties in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years, 8 months ago

    Another important aspect if you are looking at trends is to check the values of real estate in the past with the local authorities. This means you can get an historical view of the trends to see if it is up or down. It is very easy to get carried away with what the Realtor says, the brokers says, what the developer says, and what the contact says…[Read more]

  • Fizzypopp replied to the topic International Property – East meets West in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years, 10 months ago

    But a very visible one neverthless. Not meant to be an advert though. Sorry if it comes across as oneCheersPaul


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