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  • jeta replied to the topic 5 year fixed rates? in the forum Finance 8 years, 7 months ago

    Was a very loyal customer for years until I decided to retire (40) and lending became an instant issue for them.
    They were happy to give out loans to someone with nothing but a regular payslip and 6 months history but not me
    who generated well above the average wage with property, shares,managed funds. They became to small a bank to
    handle my…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic Who has property units in Tasmania. in the forum General Property 8 years, 7 months ago

    Don’t really have an option other than RACT if you don’t have an active body corp which seems common in Tassie.
    I found their quote only a little more expensive but this covered common area’s which they seemed to know about,
    My regular insurance companies did not offer in their insurance common area cover and not even a separate cover.

  • jeta replied to the topic Who has property units in Tasmania. in the forum General Property 8 years, 7 months ago

    Don’t really have an option other than RACT if you don’t have an active body corp which seems common in Tassie.
    I found their quote only a little more expensive but this covered common area’s which they seemed to know all about,
    My regular insurance companies did not offer in their insurance common area cover and not even a separate cover.

  • jeta replied to the topic How to invest in positively geared property using infil laws in the forum Creative Investing 8 years, 7 months ago

    The original post was some time ago.

    Would really need to do some research on the specific area , I do know one area on the Central Coast NSW that
    has recently seen 5 new granny flats go in to an area of approx 1000 homes which has pushed the rental market
    down , There are definitely areas on the Coast becoming flooded , someone might have…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic How to invest in positively geared property using infil laws in the forum Creative Investing 8 years, 7 months ago

    The original post was some time ago.

    Would really need to do some research on the specific area , I do know one area on the Central Coast NSW that
    has recently seen 5 new granny flats go in to an area of approx 1000 homes which has pushed the rental market
    down , There are definitely areas on the Coast becoming flooded , someone might have…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic How to invest in positively geared property using infil laws in the forum Creative Investing 8 years, 7 months ago

    The original post was some time ago.

    Would really need to do some research on the specific area , I do know one area on the Central Coast NSW that has recently
    seen 5 new granny flats go in to an area of approx 1000 homes which has pushed the rental market down , There are definitely
    areas on the Coast becoming flooded , someone might have…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic PPOR – Rental Insurance Question? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 7 months ago

    No go on the insurance but if it becomes a rental you could try and have some of it as a tax deduction ,
    Have a few stumps replaced every year and maybe the retaining wall years later.

  • jeta replied to the topic Who has property units in Tasmania. in the forum General Property 8 years, 7 months ago


    Searched larger regional area’s of Tasmania ,That should narrow it down to only a few.
    My target market is around the $120,000 unit market.
    A bit of luck with this one ,had built up a repore with the agent over the last few months
    had made offers on others which had be outbid , I knew about this unit before it listed
    and vendor wanted…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic New Pricefinder Group Access in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 7 months ago

    Whats the price.
    Whats the difference between price finder and rpdata
    Might be another option with rpdata taking over onthehouse and doing away with it.

  • jeta replied to the topic New Pricefinder Group Access in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 7 months ago

    whats the price.

  • jeta replied to the topic Who has property units in Tasmania. in the forum General Property 8 years, 7 months ago

    Prices have certainly dropped in parts of Tassie , just picked up a 1991 built 2 bedder for $122,000 , was listed for $140,000
    another in the same 4 unit complex is on the market for $160,000 , these sold last in 2008 at $174,000.
    This one renting $210 owner wanted quick sale to move to mainland with family , was getting on a bit.

    Turns out they…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic Who has property units in Tasmania. in the forum General Property 8 years, 7 months ago

    Prices have certainly dropped in parts of Tassie , just picked up a 1991 built 2 bedder for $122,000 , was listed for $140,000
    another in the same 4 unit complex is on the market for $160,000 , these sold last in 2008 at $174,000.
    This one renting $210

    Turns out they don’t have an active strata/ body corp so responsible for all insurance , RACT…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic Who has property units in Tasmania. in the forum General Property 8 years, 7 months ago

    Prices have certainly dropped in parts of Tassie , just picked up a 1991 built 2 bedder for $122,000 , was listed for $140,000
    another in the same 4 unit complex is on the market for $160,000 , these sold last in 2008 at $174,000 renting $210

    Turns out they don’t have an active strata/ body corp so responsible for all insurance , RACT offer…[Read more]

  • jeta started the topic Who has property units in Tasmania. in the forum General Property 8 years, 7 months ago

    Been looking around Tassie , some good cash flow positive deals.

    Most units I have enquired about in small unit blocks (4) do not have active strata management so owners just pay
    their own insurance and repairs to there part of building and seem to get together to pay for a fence ect. , no
    real estate agent can tell me what happens to common…[Read more]

  • jeta started the topic Who has property units in Tasmania. in the forum General Property 8 years, 7 months ago

    Been looking around Tassie , some good cash flow positive deals.

    Most units I have enquired about in small unit blocks (4) do not have active strata management so owners just pay their
    own insurance and repairs to there part of building and seem to get together to pay for a fence ect. , no real estate agent
    can tell me what happens to common…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic Buy house near Power Lines in the forum General Property 8 years, 8 months ago

    Do a few searches , read a few articles over the years about the health issues with transgrid lines .
    Would not buy one myself for PPOR , investment maybe if the numbers stack up,

  • jeta replied to the topic Anyone heard of binvested buyers agent ? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 8 months ago

    Here is a purchase from Nathan on the Gold Coast

    In the clip he claims they purchased two for $225000 each and would rent for $300 a week and he estimated it
    to be undervalued and thought it worth $260,000 at date of purchase Oct 2014

    Looking at On the house website for the property Its 45 Burra st…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic Anyone heard of binvested buyers agent ? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 8 months ago

    Here is a purchase from Nathan on the Gold Coast

    In the clip he claims they purchased two for $225000 each and would rent for $300 a week and he estimated it
    to be undervalued and thought it worth $260,000 at date of purchase Oct 2014

    Looking at On the house website for the property Its 45 Burra st…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic Anyone heard of binvested buyers agent ? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 8 months ago

    Here is a purchase from Nathan on the Gold Coast

    In the clip he claims they purchased two for $225000 each and would rent for $300 a week and he estimated it
    to be undervalued and thought it worth $260,000 at date of purchase Oct 2014

    Looking at On the house website for the property Its 45 Burra st…[Read more]

  • jeta replied to the topic Anyone heard of binvested buyers agent ? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 8 months ago

    Here is a purchase from Nathan on the Gold Coast

    In the clip he claims they purchased two for $225000 each and would rent for $300 a week and he estimated it
    to be undervalued and thought it worth $260,000 at date of purchase Oct 2014

    Looking at On the house website for the property Its 45 Burra st…[Read more]

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