Brady5 replied to the topic Self managed super fund to purchase IP in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 4 months ago
Great site and free for the first year.
Am in the process now of changing over. So far so good.
If anyone else has gone down this track, would like to know how you got on with the Esuper system.
Good luck
Brady5 replied to the topic SMSF… needed please in the forum Creative Investing 12 years, 4 months ago
Thanks so much JacM. Greatly appreciated and thank you for the PM. I will keep you informed.
Brady5 replied to the topic Setting up SMSF to purchase NRAS property in the forum Creative Investing 12 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Melanie. Much appreciated.!!!
Brady5 replied to the topic Setting up SMSF to purchase NRAS property in the forum Creative Investing 12 years, 4 months ago
Excuse my ignorance but what is an NRAS property?;
Brady5 replied to the topic QLD mining regions (Bowen & Surat Basins & Gladstone): Willing to help anyone with questions in the forum Hi everyone. I live in Perth 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi everyone. I live in Perth and so flying to Dysart, Mooranbah and surrounding areas took a bit of organizing (not to mention sleeping in my rented Hyundai Getz in Mackay airport the night before flying home) because there was no accommodatiion for weeks.This was approx 4 months ago. For what it is worth ( and only my opinion), the situation now…[Read more]
Brady5 replied to the topic Disheartened in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago
HB and Dazzling, with the greatest of respect you are are NOT reading the Question!!
If KT had the deposit, this post would not have been written. Here is a person who has found a GREAT opportunity to advance financially and is being held back by lack of deposit. Dont knock the fact the deposit is not there , find a solution to the problem.
Brady5 replied to the topic First Post…a dilemma in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
Sell the house.
Rent a home sufficent for all the growing family to enjoy with all care no responsibility,
Sweeten the pot with the purchase of a moderately priced family vehicle,
Deposit the money from the sale of the home and organize a line of credit from the bank, ready to pounce on the pos properties you locate.Set a sensible time limit in…[Read more]
Brady5 replied to the topic What’s your occupation ?? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 3 months ago
I am an airline pilot, and fly international routes, and spend most of my time “jet lagged”
Brady5 replied to the topic Investing in Singapore in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago
I bought 2 properties in Singapore in the 90s when things were really in a frenzy.
Saw the inevitable and sold before the big crash and thankfully made money.The market today is still reeling so yes, a perfect time to buy. However!!!!
I would only buy in districts 9, 10 and 11.
Would never contemplate leasehold no matter how good the positive…[Read more]
Brady5 replied to the topic Flipping. Need legal advice. in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago
I am a bit confused!!!Are you selling your property at a discounted rate, or BUYING at a discounted rate.?
May have a typo error. Please reread your post.
Brady5Brady5 replied to the topic Renting but owner selling, should I buy & rent out in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 7 months ago
You havent mentioned how many bedrooms the property has!!
I assume you and the g/f are sharing a room ( otherwise you would be man and wife !! ), so what of the other bedroom!! This would have to rent for how much per week/month/furnished/unfurnished/with meals provided or without/ with laundry done or not/ with English lessons after 6 pm for 2…[Read more]
Brady5 replied to the topic A sick persuit of money in the forum No Subject 19 years, 7 months ago
Great topic, love it!!!!
I used to make excuses for being succesful, or at least ATTEMPTING to correct a path that was leading no where.
Nowadays I am confident in myself, for what I have done has been succesful.!!!!So when confronted, I step aside and ask for a piece of paper. Then In write. “The more you do of what youve done, the more…[Read more]
Brady5 replied to the topic capital gains tax in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago
Hi Dee Berry,
I am no expert so please seek professional advice, but my understanding is::
Say you make $100,000 on your investment,
$50,000 is yours (ie no tax) and the other 50% profit (ie $50,000) is taxed at a rate at which your personal income tax is assesd eg 30%.It worries me that you you are trying to sell it yourself!!
We all know…[Read more]Brady5 replied to the topic Hi everyone… in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago
I think you had better take a big deep breath before you embark upon this line of investing.Suggest you purchase and read CAREFULLY , Robert Kiyosaki’s “Prophecy” prior to buying a single share, especially with your well intentioned and obviously very devoted father’s hard earned equity.
Your age is young and I appreciate your…[Read more]
Brady5 replied to the topic Help with picking a new financial advisor in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 10 months ago
Warren Buffet has many great sayings, but the one I love best is how he describes the average man (like you and I with our approach to investing in a :balanced portfolio of shares:) compared to the people like himself. He says:
Ordinary people dabble in shares by driving to Wall Street in their motor cars, and blindly hand their hard…[Read more]
Brady5 replied to the topic Too Little Too Late! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 10 months ago
Firstly let me REALLY commend you on your efforts so far.Your enthusiasm for financial independance has been put into action as opposed to others who just talk, so I feel for your plight but you are on the correct road, DONT GIVE UP.and “YOU” probably are half the reason for your woes.
Reading between the lines, you seem a very…[Read more]
Brady5 replied to the topic Why can’t we get 100% finance on property in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 10 months ago
Nat R
Listed price of property is eg $100,000
Property purchased at $80,000(although bank is not yet advised of this figure)as you want their valuation!!
Bank valuation returned at $100,000,
80% LVR on valuation equals $80,000 (full purchase price)
100% financing.
(the bank has NO interest in your purchase offer or price, only 80% of…[Read more]Brady5 replied to the topic Why can’t we get 100% finance on property in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago
Sorry Nat R,
I didnt mean to ignore your comment, just scrolled down too fast. {still finding my way on this forum) and have only just seen your respnse.
I have never been able to succesfully apply for a home loan in all my years of property investing, where any reputable lending source will take a “purchase price” as an accurate indication of…[Read more]
Brady5 replied to the topic Why can’t we get 100% finance on property in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 10 months ago
Foundation,the WHOLESALE price of a property is the price you can offer AND HOPEFULLY SECURE the property after having established your NOI (net operating income) then adding on whatever $$ you consider viable to make this a positively geared situation.
Doesnt mean your offer will be attractive to the vendor, but if accepted, then this is how the…[Read more]Brady5 replied to the topic Why can’t we get 100% finance on property in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago
Hi Kerwyn,
Interesting question you have just raised!!
Please consider this :If you have selected a property for the purposes of aquisition as an “astute investor”, you will be making an offer based on the WHOLESALE price of the property. Once you present this property to the bank for evaluation, their estimate on the value of this property…[Read more]