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  • Ben LJH replied to the topic To sell or not to sell – advice please! in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 8 months ago

    Hi,I have been advising all of my owners not to sell as the returns are starting to get bigger and better and closing the gap between what owners need to put into the mortgauge out of thier own pocket.  We handle quite a few rentals and over the past 12 months the gaps on some properties have closed by about $100 a month.  I have heard rumours t…[Read more]

  • Ben LJH replied to the topic Great rental area in the forum General Property 16 years, 8 months ago

    Hi,Have you ever considered using it for your own investment house?  Keep the equity in it and use it to purchase another home for a fresh start?  Depending on when you bought, how much you paid, the area and the house, you may find that you may be able to recoupe most of your mortgauge if not all of it.

  • Ben LJH replied to the topic redcliffe investment? in the forum General Property 16 years, 8 months ago

    Dear EH,I manage investment properties in this area, and i have noticed that prices have gone up quite a bit.  When i first started looking after houses, they were around the $200 mark and now they have shot up through the roof.  Anyone who gets in here will have stability on the property as rental prices are starting to inflate in area's like t…[Read more]

  • Ben LJH replied to the topic Real Estate Agents in the forum General Property 16 years, 8 months ago

    I am a REA however i specialise in Property Management, however, I know in our office that we still price properties at where they should be.  We dont believe in trying to make a quick sale, as we work for the owners to achieve the best price.  Some agents will go to over the top with prices to win a listing and others will go to low just to m…[Read more]


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