All Topics / General Property / Property management systems

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  • Profile photo of ibooreriboorer
    Join Date: 2022
    Post Count: 0

    Hi all,

    New member here, wanting to know how everyone tracks/measures & manages a multi-property portfolio or even a single asset portfolio. I know that many would use a property manager but I find their systems quite tedious and offer little value. Is everyone just working out of spreadsheets or is their a system out there that I am unaware of.

    Thanks for the help.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Profile photo of iboorer iboorer.
    Profile photo of BennyBenny
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,416

    Hi Iboorer,

    I found spreadsheets were my preference back in the day.  The other thing I recommend is to meet up with other investors – on websites like this, look for the meetings that take place from time to time.  Brisbane and its Coasts have a regular meeting taking place – other cities are “now and then”.  Of course, you can ask on forum for others “in your area” so you can swap stories.   And of course there are Facebook pages too, so check them out too.

    Main thing is to increase your knowledge so that you know enough to keep YOUR property managers in line !!  :)

    Welcome aboard,


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