I can understand people may not like the idea, but for myself I have spent my previous years helping to pay my mothers mortgage since she is on pension, She accumulated debt while I grew up, being born into debt isn’t fun but now that its paid, I look to start helping myself. I looked into guarantor option but my mother doesn’t like the idea. I want to get an investment property and wish to start as soon as possible.
So this bring us to “Personal Loan for Deposit and 0% credit card balance transfers”
This question has been asked before and I have been reading that it can be done, the lenders may grimace while they approve your home loan application, but from my understanding as long as your able to satisfy repayments on both ends it may work.
The question I have is how exactly is it best to go about doing this?
Do you apply for a personal Loan and hold it in a savings account for at least 3 months so it becomes considered as genuine savings while you add extra savings each pay on top?
If this can be done what cost other than a 10% deposit should my personal Loan cover?
And Is it a good idea to transfer the personal Loan balance or part of, to those 0% for 16-20 month credit cards to reduce the overall interest you could be paying? as long as my budget gets the card balance paid off before the 0% term expires would it be a good idea?
Or would simply waiting, then re-consolidating the personal loan into your mortgage be a better option?
There are some lenders that will do a 90% loan without having to demonstrate genuine savings. However – I personally haven’t written a loan where the client’s use a personal loan to cover deposit/costs for a while….so not entirely sure if it will fly but can’t see why it wouldn’t.
Certainly possible – but a bit messy on your credit file. It’s just snowballing the issue to the future, as the deposit debt still needs to be paid back, and will be a drag on your borrowing capacity as time goes on.
The best thing to do is focus your energy on saving for your own deposit.
Thank you both for your replies.
I do think your right, saving the 10% deposit+Stamp duty is the better option.
Based on my budget, saving 30-40k should take 2 years.
I only worry that during this time houses can go up in price, and I may miss out on appreciation value of a property if i bought earlier.
When I consider future advancement into a second investment, I can now see how the personal loan can impede my future prospects.
A clear cut deposit will count as equity to help acquire a second investment sooner.
Sam you would better off in going to 85% where a P/L wont be an issue.
We launch No Deposit Housing Pty Ltd here in Qld in the next few weeks which is Australia’s only true 100% blended loan and has now received credit approval by over 6 major lenders.
Will be available initially for O/O and eventually Investment.
I don’t see the issue with what you want to achieve assuming you understand the higher rate on the P/L.
Yours in Finance
This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Richard Taylor.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
At the moment we get 1/2 enquiries a week from investors who have equity but maybe not enough to release and then if they can go to 90% and release it the LMI is ridiculous.
That thrown in with the fact of the new home buyer the enquiry level is already high.
Yours in Finance
0-40 Properties in a decade. Ask me how.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
If Richard’s system is not for you then you could possibly get your mum to repay you what you have lent her (will only work if she was paying extra off the loan). Get the loan done and then you could gift or lend back to mum. Another option is for a family pledge type loan.