All Topics / Opinionated! / Poll: Which of the following most threatens the future of Australian real estate

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  • Profile photo of BennyBenny
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,416

    Which of the following most threatens the future of Australian real estate values?

    Hi all,

    This thread is for discussion of this poll. Please submit your vote and your thoughts on why!


    Profile photo of Jason StaggersJason Staggers
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 61

    It’s interesting to see nearly as many concerned about government regulation as economic trouble overseas. What changes in regulation do think investors should be most concerned about?

    Jason Staggers |
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    Profile photo of Corey BattCorey Batt
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1,010

    Government regulation largely insulates and reinforces the prices in Australia – primarily through planning laws.

    Unrestricted planning laws would definitely be the biggest threat to most investors in Australia.

    Corey Batt | Precision Funding
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Investment Focused Finance Strategist - servicing Australia-wide

    Profile photo of BennyBenny
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,416

    This has been the most interesting poll thus far.

    Even at the time of creation, I wondered if we should have an “All of the above” button. As of right now, four out of the five options are ranking between 22% and 28%.

    Certainly several things are having (or could have) a major impact on real estate values. Perhaps it depends on which headline is screaming loudest that day?

    For the record, here are the values as of today:-
    Which of the following most threatens the future of Australian real estate values?

    Government regulation …….. 25%, 58 votes
    An oversupply of housing …. 22%, 52 votes
    Higher interest rates ………… 22%, 51 vote
    Economic trouble overseas . 28%, 65 votes
    International war ………………. 3%, 8 votes


    Profile photo of chuckchuck
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 3

    Government regulation – clamping down on international investors, talks about reversing negative gearing
    Oversupply of housing – apartment markets are in oversupply in Sydney and Melbourne
    Higher interest rates – cash rate may go lower but not likely to be followed on by banks, in fact banks are pushing them up for investors.
    Economic trouble overseas – China’s economy slowing and stockmarket crash and some large European banks going down.
    International war – Turmoil in Syria and escalating wars.

    I’d say all of the above is equal to… KABOOOM!! to the real estate market.

    Profile photo of maccmacc
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 14

    l go first and for most, our prices are ridiculous as in what near the dearest in the world and for what, there’s something way wrong there.
    There has to be a correction sooner or later no matter what anything else does.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Profile photo of macc macc.



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