All Topics / Overseas Deals / Buying foreclose property in the US/Florida state from Australia as an Investment

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  • Profile photo of mister83mister83
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Guys,

    I need input from the people who has experience in investing in the US property market or foreclose properties (Townhouse) from Australia.

    I have listed a few questions below. I would appreciate if you could provide some insight or your thoughts on it.

    – Did you find the process of buying foreclose properties in the US difficult/complex?
    – What paper work is involved?
    – What are the associated paper work costs? Stamp duty, taxes, insurance, etc?
    – Did you seek help from any local agents? If yes, could please tell which ones?
    – Did you appointment a Buyer’s agent or did you contact the seller’s agent directly?
    – Did the agents provide any help/assistance with paper work to an international buyer?
    – Time lapsed between the first contact with the seller’s agent to getting the keys in your hands?
    – How did you manage the payment for the property from overseas – did you need to involve the ATO/IRS? Wire transfer?
    – Was communication over the phone/emails sufficient or did you have documents courier back and forth or even personally visit to close the deal? I understand visiting the property for inspection but once you have decided on the property was any more visits needed?
    – Assuming you had purchased the property as an investment, did you involve agent for managing tenants?
    – Anything else that you think I should know of?
    – I am assuming that paying for the property in all cash will be far more easier then getting a mortgage with a US Bank but am I even eligible for US mortgage as a Australian resident?

    A bit of a background on my current situation – I am an Australian citizen. I have previously visited US on the visa waiver program. I have a bank account with an American bank. I have also applied for ITIN with the IRS.


    Profile photo of CheevesFinancialCheevesFinancial
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 201

    – Did you find the process of buying foreclose properties in the US difficult/complex?
    Can be…Do you really want to buy an REO and deal with worrying about rehab?  Use a wholesaler.  For instance (and this is not a solicitation :-), but we purchase 1-10 homes at a time, in many cases from the same seller.  We get some discounts.  The discounts basically cover our wholesale fee, versus what you would be able to buy from the bank direct.  We buy with our own funds, we inspect, and we fix the home to rent-ready condition.  During the acquisition / rehab process, we make the home available to our investors in our network.  We don't require investor to close on the home until rehab is done and tenant is occupying.  We have a proven concept, so we allow closing stipulations and leniencies.

    – What paper work is involved?
    Contract and closing papers.  Inspection report…Title policy

    – What are the associated paper work costs? Stamp duty, taxes, insurance, etc?
    It varies.  Not much

    – Did you seek help from any local agents? If yes, could please tell which ones?
    I would get yelled at  if I told you who was the best in the business :-)

    – Did you appointment a Buyer’s agent or did you contact the seller’s agent directly?
    There are so many ways people attempt to go after real estate.  Use a realtor, or don't.  In my opinion, if you are international, it is foolish not to use a realtor.  Also, if the bank has listed the property with an agent, GET YOUR OWN.  Agents are like property managers.  Hard to find a good one.  But you will know in your gut by their intelligence through e-mails or phone calls. 

    – Did the agents provide any help/assistance with paper work to an international buyer?
    As an agent myself, yes, all agents help with paperwork.  Once a property is looking good, you will want to also inspect where the agent can offer refrerrals for inspections.  FYI, it is now a law in Florida that home inspectors MUST BE licensed contractors.  Gone are the days where you can just go to the courthouse and get an inspection certificate. 
    Agents assist in the contract for acquisition.  Make sure you understand the contract.  A good agent will also have your best interest at hand.  They will make sure the title is free and clear.  Title companies are good at doing this and if you buy in FL, you will likely close using a Title Company.  Post closing services include assistance to set up property management.  Once that is in place, the agents job is done.  Property Manager takes over.

    – Time lapsed between the first contact with the seller’s agent to getting the keys in your hands?
    Depends…How long does it take for you to find a property that you want to buy?  I've seen some investors like the very first one I send them.  Others need to see 20-30 properties.  Once a contract is executed, typically takes 20-30 days for cash closings.  Oh, and if you are buying, make sure NOBODY shares title with you.  This is YOUR property.  No sharing with agents…unless you for some reason want to.  It's a nationwide scheme…."put me on title with you and I'll watch this property like it's my own." 

    – How did you manage the payment for the property from overseas – did you need to involve the ATO/IRS? Wire transfer?
    Swift Wire.  Banks have international wiring instructions.

    – Was communication over the phone/emails sufficient or did you have documents courier back and forth or even personally visit to close the deal? I understand visiting the property for inspection but once you have decided on the property was any more visits needed?
    Phone / e-mails work for some.  I have had this one client for 3 years.  Never spoke to him on the phone…Only through e-mail and we have a wonderful working relationship.  Others prefer to hear a voice.  Get Skype.  It makes it easy.  Once property is inspected, property manager or realtor needs to do follow up until property is occupied by tenants.

    – Assuming you had purchased the property as an investment, did you involve agent for managing tenants?
    Some agents also do property management on the side.  Don't do it.  Good property managers focus solely on property managment.  PM is the BIGGEST factor in your investment.  Your property needs attention and someone needs to be held accountable.  If they are doing side business like sales, they likely aren't very good at either.  Most good agents have 2-3 property managers that are reputable.  Don't go find one yourself…Dangerous

    – Anything else that you think I should know of?
    Only thing I can think of is "Cheaper is not always better".  I think Jay Hinrichs and I both believe that there is "cheaper" and there is "trashflow"….Warzones are the target of international investors because there is a lot of inventory and realtors are pitching it overseas.  I own a property in a warzone.  It was a tester to see how it worked.  I can't sell fast enough.  In fact, I can't sell.  No quality invesotor will take it from me!  It's even hard to give away!

    – I am assuming that paying for the property in all cash will be far more easier then getting a mortgage with a US Bank but am I even eligible for US mortgage as a Australian resident? There aren't any U.S banks or Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac lenders that will do international loans.  If you find a lender, they are likely a portfolio lender.  Nothing wrong with that, just know what you are getting into.  Cash is usually the preferred way to go if you are Int'l.

    Hope this helps some.

    CheevesFinancial | Cushman & Wakefield - Commercial Property SW FL
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    Profile photo of jayhinrichsjayhinrichs
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 1,177


    Had not heard the one about Agents putting themselves on title.. I am assuming you mean they go on title as a tenant in common as to a disclosed % interest…

    Seems to me agents could have a huge issue here and probably loose their license's if this is not a well thought out and agreed upon plan..

    agreed nothing worse than mucking up your title with partners you do not know well, and or a bullit proof, Buy Sell agreement in the case of a dispute.

    so from your perspective why would any US agent want to go on title unless they are setting up a whole scheme to be share ownership with a whole group of investors, and I suppose for the purpose of managing the asset

    As we know this is very common in the world of REIT's and Large TIC's   "tenent in common investments" not traditional at the single family level though

    Your thoughts on the subject?

    Profile photo of CheevesFinancialCheevesFinancial
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 201

    Jay:  Little secret…A lot of realtor aren't smart!  I have seen realtors go on title to have an equitable position which makes them feel good about owning a piece of something.  Then they try to control it.  Then it turns into a disaster.  "Tenant in Common" is not used for SFR's.  I can't dignify much of it, because it makes zero sense, but it is a popular scheme. 

    The Business Dept with the state is not smart either, otherwise the number of agents would be 25% of what they are now.  I'm serious, one out of every 4 agents seem to do something to constantly violate their responsibilities.  And I've seen it in NJ, MS, CA, AZ….it is not isolated. 

    CheevesFinancial | Cushman & Wakefield - Commercial Property SW FL
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    Profile photo of jayhinrichsjayhinrichs
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 1,177

    trying to peice this together.

    For the realtor to go ON TITLE the Title co. has to pre pare a deed from the Seller to these new owners. And there has to be a purchase contract or Escrow instruction giving the Title co.  instructions on how to prepare the documents.

    the the Purchaser has to sign Escrow instructions and intial a copy of how the deed is going to look when recorded and said deed would clearly show the TIC ownerhsip and what % ownership was being allocated to each owner.

    Seems strange with the amount of experince the Aussie investor has that they would not catch this,, I suppose a German or non english speaking investor could gloss over this.

    There also seems to be the case of those selling LLC interest that purport to own a certain property only to find out later the LLC  never owned the property… and I suppose the intial reason they set these up this way is to get around the anti flipping dates in the Deeds when they buy from certain government agencies.  And or they are just crooks out to scam the buying public… Hard to chase these down when there is no asset behind the LLC.


    Profile photo of CheevesFinancialCheevesFinancial
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 201

    I have no idea Jay…Like I said, this is not my style.  I just read the paper. 

    CheevesFinancial | Cushman & Wakefield - Commercial Property SW FL
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    Profile photo of jayhinrichsjayhinrichs
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 1,177

    well, good thing to point out none the less so people are aware of what to look for..

    I guess I just default to my underwriting days… You know being a hardmoney lender we are always very leary of every transaction.

    Just look at the submission documents for Ageis for private funding there it is a fairly exhaustive amount of detail.. but I am sure they do not have many Ugh we should have caught that.

    <br /:)” title=”>:)” class=”bbcode_smiley” />  have a great day now to work we go.

    Profile photo of CheevesFinancialCheevesFinancial
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 201

    Aegis has only had to take back 1 property in 2 years.  Considering their volume that is very good.  My brother is the main underwriter of most of the deals.  He doesn't trust anyone else, not even in his own office to ensure least amount of risk.  He's a stickler but they run a very good program there.  If you aren't leary of every deal as a private lender, you will fold very quickly.

    CheevesFinancial | Cushman & Wakefield - Commercial Property SW FL
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    Profile photo of jayhinrichsjayhinrichs
    Join Date: 2011
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    could not have said better myself.

    last 2 years have been some of the best for hardmoney lending….. competition got killed in 08 and 07, and underwriting standards went from back of a napkin to full blown "A" paper submissions.

    Now the pendulim will swing as money un thaws but will take some time so those making loans right now really have total control.

    Although i still like the asset side of this cycle loading up on these house's.

    working very hard though on my non recourses long term financing for foriegn investors and US IRA borrowers.

    have a meeting tomorrow with Special assets department of Wells Fargo so see how that goes. There is such a demand for this product we really need 50 million or so to start…

    Keep you posted once we get that product up and running. likely be mid year.

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Hi Cheeves

    Sorry have to disagree with you.

    Yes there are US lenders who will lend to Non Residents.

    We do a fair bit of US lending for British clients through a couple of UK marketing firms.

    NCCP in Australia has limited what an Australian Brokers can or wants to become involved in.

    All about Public Liability and of course Credit Act doesnt apply to non residents so we are help them.


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of CheevesFinancialCheevesFinancial
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 201

    If you provide financing for international investors, I can do more business for myself and give some to you!  I have Australian and Israeli investors at the moment, some looking for financing.

    Feel free to send me a private message with a link to your website or program that you offer.  I'd like to know your qualifying and underwriting criteria.  How many points upfront, interest rate, amortizations, etc.  Thanks..  Looking forward to seeing it

    CheevesFinancial | Cushman & Wakefield - Commercial Property SW FL
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    Profile photo of Alex SCAlex SC
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 585
    CheevesFinancial wrote:
    If you provide financing for international investors, I can do more business for myself and give some to you!  I have Australian and Israeli investors at the moment, some looking for financing.

    Feel free to send me a private message with a link to your website or program that you offer.  I'd like to know your qualifying and underwriting criteria.  How many points upfront, interest rate, amortizations, etc.  Thanks..  Looking forward to seeing it


    How are you? Been a  few day away from the message board.My partner is heading to Atlanta working with a bank out of France so he can get licensed to do loans again. Go to any of the major banks in Florida they are happy to lend international clients who want to buy in Florida. The group that was lending here in the states seem to only lend if they do front and back end lending.

    Still working on a few other options. We do have a group out of Australia that are doing lending for our clients. We have partnered with this group. They seem pretty solid and the owner and the Vice president of the group have taken the time to come here and check us out. Which is rare. I am not going to put there name out here. They have several of our properties sold to there clients and currently in the loan process.I let you know. I would also want to introduce you to them..

    Ricard would like to see what you have available as well

    Talk soon


    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024


    Sorry you clearly dont understand Australian Credit legislation or the impact of NCCP.

    Yes we are financing in parts of the US and Yes we have so many enquiries it is unbelievable but at the moment because of the impact of NCCP we dont take applications from Australian based investors.

    We mainly focus on UK clients who pay our upfront fee and who provide what we need when we need it.


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of Alex SCAlex SC
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 585
    Qlds007 wrote:

    Sorry you clearly dont understand Australian Credit legislation or the impact of NCCP.

    Yes we are financing in parts of the US and Yes we have so many enquiries it is unbelievable but at the moment because of the impact of NCCP we dont take applications from Australian based investors.

    We mainly focus on UK clients who pay our upfront fee and who provide what we need when we need it.


    Richard I am would like to speak at some point if possible.Email or conference call or skype .


    Yours in Finance

    Profile photo of CheevesFinancialCheevesFinancial
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 201

    Thank you and you are correct I do not understand certain international things in financing.  I rely on people like you to school me on it so it can improve my business.  Since this is a forum, why don't you enlighten us on what these things are.  Probably good for the investors on this board to know also.  Thanks so much

    CheevesFinancial | Cushman & Wakefield - Commercial Property SW FL
    Email Me | Phone Me

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