All Topics / Value Adding / flooring advice needed for unit reno

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  • Profile photo of carlincarlin
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 211

    Hi All,

    on home stretch with a 2 br unit reno and need to make decision about flooring.

    All of it needs replacing. Concrete underneath the vinyl and carpet.

    Noise is an issue as this is an upstairs unit. I was going to put in a floating timber floor but have been advised not to because of this issue. Apparently even thick insulation won't be enough.

    So current plan is – put in these timber-look strips that you stick down. They're flexible strips that come in all types of timber looks. More authentic looking than fake timber vinyl and apparently hard wearing – used widely in commercial buildings. Anyway…install these in kitchen, hallway and lounge/dining (where there'll be a big floor rug for the seating area) and carpet in both bedrooms.

    This sound OK? Or should I be carpeting the lounge/dining and hallway too? It's just 66m in total so not a big unit.

    And has anyone used to "timber" product I've described?


    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    The product you mention is a vinyl floor – will this be an issue also with noise? (although you do mention that there was vinyl in the unit previously). This product would transmit about the same amount of noise as would an insulated floating floor. You may need to get the specs from the flooring supplier as to the noise transmission of the insulation of both materials and submit that to the body corporate if need be – it may pay to ask your council building inspector what the requirements are for the transmission of noise between units are (this will be an STC or dB rating). If the insulated flooring meets that standard then there should not be an issue as the product you install meets the requirements of the Building Code.

    If not, carpet may be your main solution.

    Profile photo of businessglobalbusinessglobal
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 118

    I have just finished a 2 brm unit reno in Parramatta – top level and concrete underneath- I used quality carpet mid strength latte colour in hallway, bedrooms, and lounge room, and I used the timber strips in the kitchen and my father in law builder installed them correctly. After they had been down a few days there started to appear a few little bubbles in the timber, and you could see imperfections pop up, and found the sides of the strips got a few tiny chips – so I ripped it all up- and used industrial lino that looks like floorboards and then had the open home and sold it straight away.
    Where is your unit?
    The industial lino product they can put a bit thicker padding on- and if use only for the kitchen floor it should be ok- also I upgraded the carpet underlay.

    Profile photo of carlincarlin
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 211

    Thanks for tips. Businessglobal – with the industrial vinyl you used, did it come as strips like timber strips? If so, it could be the same product as I'm thinking of using. The company salesman says it's used by the Smokemart chain, among others, and is tough and durable.

    Also – was the lounge also the dining area? Mine is lounge/dine open space and I'm not keen on carpet in a dining area.

    Profile photo of carlrsullivancarlrsullivan
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 25


    personally I prefer the wooden floors, they are comparable in cost (depending) and if done correctly can provide the same acoustic properties as carpet.

    I just finished my apartment with the clicklock flooring system and so far there has been no issues. Personally i believe that the issue comes down to choice of materials and the existing structure.

    Look at the thicker and more expensive flooring acoustic underlays, the thicker it is the more of an air barrier there will be which will ensure that minimal noise will be transmitted through.

    In fact there is no reason that you cannot lay a floating floor over both the carpet and vinyl (so long as you have an even levels) which you can then argue that all you have done is enhance the acoustic properties of the apartment.

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 992

    We're currently living in a unit for a few months under other units which have hard flooring.
    How we wish they had carpet ! ! !  Stilettos are the worst. It's amazing just how far some people walk in their units, the odd hours they keep,  and you'd never know until you live under them.  Every step resounds through your own living and sleeping areas.
    Talk about one up all up ! !  
    But apart from all that, I personally prefer to live with the soft quiet and luxurious feel of carpet. 

    A 66m2 unit should not cost too much to carpet, and you can use hall runners to minimise wear n tear in high traffic areas.

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