Hi (again) Neil, you have been very broad-minded in your reaction to the various responses…mine included. (Good on you). I didn't really think it likely that you'd seriously consider down-sizing your home: it was just a consideration possibly worth running by you.All the bestWilrose
Wow Neil……you leave me stunned by the amount of personal mortgage you carry on your home: While I appreciate that it will be going up in value, you are working fairly hard I'd say just to pay the tax man, and the bank. What's the long range plan? Will the house ever be paid off? If not, then do you plan to sell and scale down upon retirement…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic Rural Property in Tasmania in the forum Hi Sharif,
I would be 17 years, 5 months agoHi Sharif,I would be intrigued to confirm that you could buy anything at these prices that would interest FEA to lease at the rates mentioned, without substantial adjustments for the offsets required via management plans for gullies and watercourses etc. In addition, Tassie is quite expensive by mainland standards today, so any land at $2000 per…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic WealthScore…. How Did You Go? in the forum General Property 17 years, 5 months ago
Not too sure about this tool…….my score was about 8000, and this equated to us running out of money in 2029. If our asetts were sold down, the interest earn't from the net equity invested at bank rates would considerably exceed the $80k nominated as living allowance requirements. (We don't find the need to spend anything like $80k now nor do…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic Northern nsw ??? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 9 months ago
Wayne…you write, "interesting comments"…………in what way?Wilrose
wilrose replied to the topic What do you think of the new forum structure? in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 17 years, 10 months ago
Hi all,can anyone advise where to check on your own history of posts? I would like to find mine to see if there's been any replies but are a bit lost at this present point in time.Wilrose
wilrose replied to the topic agent is convinced auction is best way……. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 11 months ago
To further this discussion, I would be interested in forumites comments etc on a scenario we are working through:
Commercial property advertised for sale by normal method…..price excessive at $1.65m. Realistic Price range probably $1.0 to $1.2m. Elderly Vendor is persuaded to switch to rival agency after only four weeks (even though interest…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic Car Leasing -cash flow in the forum Heads Up! 17 years, 11 months ago
Hi Wayne,
By the amount of traffic on this subject, it clearly causes a considerable level of discussion and deliberation both off and on line. No, I do not lease vehicles. Business opportunities allow for a significant percentage of the depreciation, interest, (including opportunity costs), running expenses etc to be factored into the mix when…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic Car Leasing -cash flow in the forum Heads Up! 17 years, 11 months ago
The views expressed thus far seem to cover the spectrum, except to add that perhaps some new cars are really a very good option in certain circumstances: eg, In the range of $17500 to $28000 (which will cover 1.6 litre Hyundai to 4 litre Falcon/Commodore, all ex gst) , should you have self employment status and significant taxation bracket, you…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic trust structure, finance in the forum Finance 17 years, 11 months ago
would it not be impressive if I could spell my own on-line name?
warm regards
wilrose replied to the topic trust structure, finance in the forum Finance 17 years, 11 months ago
Hi Chaps……just for clarity, is a HDT a Hybrid Discretionary Trust? If so, how does this fit into the scheme of things, and are the benefits available thru any other avenue?
warm regards
wilrose replied to the topic HAVE BOOM TIMES GONE FOREVER???? in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Hi y’awl,
to HookhamC: what are you driving at with this last post?
wilrose replied to the topic Glass Ceilings, Brick Walls & Serviceability in the forum Creative Investing 18 years ago
aha Nobleone…..(interesting nom de plume!!) Fair comment ( up to a point)…………….but isn’t the forum going to function best where whilst you seek help and ideas, you offer it in return to those less (or differently) experienced/educated than yourself? For those who read your post, it is necessary that they clearly understand your issues…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic SELL FOR PROFIT OR BORROW AGAINST EQUITY ?? in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
to qlds007 (Richard Taylor)………huh? How does this trust thingy work regarding the ppor?
wilrose replied to the topic HELP NEEDED PLEASE in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
so sorry Cherry Pro……..i did not read your post properly: I see now that you have negative equity. This would swing me back to the earlier advice posted by others in some ways. On the one hand, you could sell and then set about paying off the outstanding debt….say $9k per year in interest, and principal payments as extra….how long this…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic HELP NEEDED PLEASE in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Hi Cherry pro
this is a conundrum for many (as you no doubt realise). My view is to stay tuned to the market shifts……if you believe it will be many years before a return to profit occurs, consider the alternative options you may be forsaking by remaining in a zero growth market. Should you find something that promises better returns, I’d…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic Glass Ceilings, Brick Walls & Serviceability in the forum Creative Investing 18 years ago
I see no responses thus far Nobleone……perhaps if you were to breakdown the acronyms….Certainly I’m unsure what you’re on about with respect to a few?
wilrose replied to the topic How to negotiate flat fee for property management? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago
Hi Folks,
From Ricky Ponting territory…….I can add that management fees for our commercial properties (Retail in regional city…what else) are 5% + GST. I have no idea what letting (retenanting) fees are as I drive from the front seat in this regard to ensure everyone’s best interests are served properly. All other activities are covered by…[Read more]
wilrose replied to the topic renting in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago
Hi Folks,
this is my first post….and largley prompted by response suggesting producing a bogus reference. Tut Tut!
Credibility is critical and should the agent or property owner follow thru with a check then you just might find yourself very quickly despatched to the blacklisted file.
I would endorse the other recommendations such as…[Read more]