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  • Profile photo of stpaul.62stpaul.62
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 1

    I am writing this report on behalf of my brother who purchased a property in Atlanta from Property4peanuts company number 07384189 and run by

    Emma Cornah. The property was sold with outstanding taxes which amounted to over $6000. His contract stated that the property would be sold free of

    liens and he paid $1100 for legal fees.

    Property4peasnuts would not contribute towards the taxes unless my brother signed an agreement not to post blogs about the company. However, it is

    in the public interest that my brothers experience with this company are made public.

    He made the final payment for the property in February 2010. Although the money was paid to 'The Foreign Property'

    company number 06027122. Incidentally they have applied for the company to be struck off from companies house. Although the money was paid to

    The Foreign Property the contract had the seller as  Oleksandr Abramovych, a citizen of the Ukraine. The question is did

    The Foreign Property use my brothers money to purchase the property from Oleksandr Abramovych and what is the connection between

    him and The Foreign Property and Property4peasnuts. They said that the seller was known to them.

    The contract stated that the property would be refurbished and tenanted. In fact the refurbishment was not completed and my brother has photos to

    prove it. They have not provided any proof whatsoever that the refurbishment was completed. Their excuse was that the tenant moved in so quick that there

    wasn't time to take photos. If there was a tenant he did not receive any rent payments as the rent money was deducted from the payment made towards

    the overdue taxes.

    Regarding the alleged tenant, there were no obvious signs of a tenant existing, they disappeared after two months for no apparent reason.

    At the same time the propety management company Solutions Enterprises informed him that they no longer wished to be his management company.

    Although my brother paid for the property in February 2010, he did not receive the quit claim deed until July 2012. The date on the quit claim

    deed was 10th August 2011 and that date had been amended from 10/8/2012.

    Even if the date is to be believed it means the document was missing fro a year. It also means that Oleksandr Abramovych was still the owner

    up to that point. The address given for Oleksandr Abramovych on the quit claim document is that of Property4peanuts, Foxwood, Chalky Road,

    Stockbury, Kent ME9 7QR.

    From the period of his payment February 2010 to 10th August 2011 the property belonged to Oleksandr Abramovych. He did not have the property

    managed and consequently it was vandalised and a vagrant was living there. My brother used a agent in Atlanta to visit the property and take photos.

    My brother continually pressed Propery4peanuts to provide him with the title deeds. They claimed it took time whereas he phoned the court house

    that deals with them and was told it takes two weeks. He also asked for the name of the title company and was told it was SouthEast Title

    Corporation, 1409 North Highland Avenue NE Atlanta, Georgia 30306. He contacted the company and they said they did not handle the title they only

    acted as a messenger service.

    My brother challenges these companies to answer the specific questions

    that has gone unanswered:

    Explain their relationship with Oleksandr Abramovych. Why was he the

    seller when the money was paid to The Foreign Property

    Why did it take 29 months from the time of payment to the receipt of the quit claim.

    Provide proof that South East title did in fact handle the transfer or provide the name of the company that did. They should have invoices from

    the Title company.

    Explain the whereabouts of the quit claim between 10th August 2011 and 12th July 2012.

    Provide proof that the property was refurbished, it can be photos, names of contractors, invoices etc.

    I challenge Property4peanuts to answer the above questions, but I doubt if they will.

    If they think my brother was in any way responsible for this mess then explain why.

    To summarise:

    My brother paid a lot of money for a house that was supposed to be refurbished and tenanted but wasn't. The title was not give to him in a timely manner, in

    fact it was 29 months before he saw any documentation that showed him as being owner. On the date of the quit claim deed the property was empty

    and vandalised not refubished and tenanted as per the contract. When the property belonged to Oleksandr Abramovych it was not managed

    and was completely trashed. It is in a wrecked state today and will cost a lot of money to repair. It is over three years since the purchase, he

    has lost lots of money, had enormous stress and still has a property that is wrecked and accumulating taxes. 

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