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  • Profile photo of source490source490
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 2

    It is quite obvious what the company does, have you actually read the website ?

    It is quite simple do it yourself and make costly embarrising mistakes while you try and learn about what you are doing and that will take you 10 -20 years or let an expert handle it and don't make mistakes but people will always complain, because they want everything for free & you wonder why most of the population has to retire on a pension.

    Stephen is offering his services for free to prove a point to Australians, he says it very clearly..

    Sorry if I was blunt. I just think if it was not for the experts teaching Australians how to do it successfully, than we would only be left with Tafe & University and then that is tought by teachers who have not acheived the results that you want.

    Greg Renolds

    Profile photo of source490source490
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 2

    I have also done the Renovating for Profit course last year and their is no way Stephen Tolle has just come out behind the curtains. He has been in the public eye for over 10 years now and to see what questions that get asked by Architects, builders and other property experts in that course can be very daunting for most experts, yet Stephen smashes out unthinkable answers like it was nothing.

    My advice would be, if you have a chance to meet with him and it does not cost you anything (Just do it, $1,300 for flights is nothing for what changes that he could do for you). Worst case senario you will learn something or he will change your finacial life for the better forever.

    I had a look at the website & it seems pretty straight forward to me, they don't charge you. Let us know what the outcome is please?

    Greg Renolds

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