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  • mrmonopoly replied to the topic Questions regarding negotiation in the forum General Property 13 years, 6 months ago

    Personally, whilst I agree with the general gist in this thread and ultimately put my offer in writing with a time limit, I always put my offers in verbally first followed by silence.

    This is a VERY powerful negotiation tool, and although it can be quite uncomfortable waiting for the agent to break the silence if your new to this methodology,…[Read more]

  • mrmonopoly replied to the topic Rental return website? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 6 months ago is useful for ball park vacancy rates, which are a useful indicator of rental demand. Obviously the lower and more consistent the better. has a free suburb profile tool which will give you some basic demographic info i.e. ratio renters to owner occupiers, as well as the break down in household types and…[Read more]

  • mrmonopoly replied to the topic I have found the info – But what does it mean? in the forum ’20 Must Ask Questions’ by 13 years, 7 months ago

    ’20 Must Ask Questions’ by Margaret Lomas is a good starting point.

  • mrmonopoly replied to the topic Introduce yourself in the forum Forum Frolic 13 years, 7 months ago

    Mr M here, I live in Coogee, Sydney and have been passionate about property since I can remember. I think from a very young age a combination of Lego and Monopoly showed me how much fun building a property portfolio can be, and now many years on I am doing it for real and realise it is a truly amazing way to create true freedom and wealth.

    For…[Read more]

  • mrmonopoly replied to the topic Investing in the UK in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Elissa,

    Here’s a thread from another forum you might find of interest. As with all investing research is the key, but when you’re investing in the UK research, research and more research. Having worked in property in the UK for many years I can tell you it is completely different from Australia so just beware as what looks like CF+ at first…[Read more]

  • mrmonopoly replied to the topic Newish Units vs Older Units – Any advice appreciated in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks guys, great feedback, please keep it coming.

  • mrmonopoly replied to the topic Margaret Lomas’ Destiny Group in the forum Heads Up! 13 years, 8 months ago

    Having read many of her books and as a regular watcher of her shows I can honestly say Margaret Lomas is an absolute legend and in my opinion by far the best and most credible property commentator out there. The only slightly negative thing I would say is that her philosophy on property investing is such that she doesn’t really write or comment…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the great advice. Couldn't agree more. Still tempted to throw in a low ball offer and see how motivated the seller really is becuase the yield is double digit and the prospects for the area seem pretty solid too if I can get it at the right price to justify the risk.

  • mrmonopoly replied to the topic Newbe, where do i start? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    Richard (QLD007) I think is also an expat from the motherland and from what I understand had a pretty substantial portfolio over here in Oz too.  I've been reading threads on this forum for ages and both Richard and Terry appear to have a huge wealth of information.One word of caution however is that unless one of you is a permanent resident then…[Read more]


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