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  • Freedom replied to the topic Current Mark Rolton – Massland course, what is the real deal? in the forum Opinionated! 6 years, 9 months ago

    I would so love to hear from anybody who has had success with this method or his course. Please feel welcome to PM me if you would rather remain private. I just want to know whether I can trust this will work.

  • Freedom started the topic Current Mark Rolton – Massland course, what is the real deal? in the forum Opinionated! 6 years, 9 months ago

    After being stung by expensive educators in the past, I reluctantly listened to Mark’s free webinar a couple of weeks ago. He seems to have a new deal that is different to what is being discussed on this forum. He asks for $2,500 upfront, plus funding a trip to see their 3 day seminar, plus when you make your first $100,000- you pay another…[Read more]

  • Freedom replied to the topic Income Education course offered in Australia in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    I think because they are absolutely brilliant presenters, it really gets people excited. They are very calculating in how they present, what they tell people. As Australians aren’t used to that type of presentation many are trusting that their many promises are true.

  • Freedom replied to the topic Flipping/Wholesaling in USA from Australia in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    Thank you and much appreciated. Tell me, is there any way that from Australia, without travelling over, we could find a good boots on the ground to work with over there? How so?

  • Freedom replied to the topic Real estate license in the forum Creative Investing 10 years, 3 months ago

    Oh gosh, how did I do that grammatical error with the word ‘there’ . I have never done that!

    Moving on. I mean get their Real Estate Licence in order to buy/sell their own properties and investments that they purchase through their companies.

  • Freedom replied to the topic Real estate license in the forum Creative Investing 10 years, 3 months ago

    Do you mean selling properties for others Tamara? Because you are allowed to sell your own property without a licence aren’t you?

    On this note, how many developers, or investors in Australia get there licence? Are there advantages/disadvantages?

  • Freedom replied to the topic Flipping/Wholesaling in USA from Australia in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    With flipping though, you do your due diligence in having the property checked before offering it to buyers, so can’t really go wrong there? I think having a trustworthy realtor, or boots on the ground who can find properties and advise would be very handy. It is only those in the area who really know whether a property is in a good location.…[Read more]

  • Freedom replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    Is that what you offer as a service Jayman? As in your business sets up bank accounts and the LLC’s and stuff?

    With dealing with sellers, I am not just looking to buy a retail priced property and rent it out. I am looking for some savvy quick profits to build up cashflow right now to then invest more in buy and holds. But I am not all that…[Read more]

  • Freedom replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    Also…. it was mentioned a few posts up by Jayman about the inability for Australians to get bank accounts over there without setting foot on soil, and that the banks still will close accounts sometimes even if you have done so.

    The rules have just apparently changed again in the last few weeks, and while a few of us were getting accounts…[Read more]

  • Freedom replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    I guess we are a bit eager because we have certainly invested a huge amount of hours, and a lot of money so far (for our standards I mean, probably peanuts to some). We are itching to get cracking and make some money back. We are sensible though, and that is why the hours are being put in, as we are studying, and living and breathing all of…[Read more]

  • Freedom replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks Nigel

    When you say work with somebody on the ground, are you talking of your team, such as your Realtors, Contractors (if you are doing your own Rehab), Titles Agents, Accountant, Legal Team, etc? Or are you talking of a Business Partner as such? If you are talking of a Business Partner, do you suggest hiring somebody, or an actual…[Read more]

  • Freedom replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks Jayman. I think I am probably the most impatient investor, or is that motivated??? Thankfully I am also sensible. But I am so raring to go, and while I totally understand that success in this is based primarily on relationships, I am finding it hard to be patient :-)

  • Freedom replied to the topic From High School Dropout to 300+ Real Estate Deals in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    Fantastic! So good to hear of somebody from Australia, new to the game, and doing so well. Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

    It sounds like you moved over there first and then started investing, is that correct?

    I got a lot of good information from that, and a lot of inspiration. I want to hear more!!!!

  • Freedom replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    What are your best suggestions for gathering that team from afar Nigel?

    HuMungus, what types of investments are you doing over there presently, or are you just starting?

  • Freedom replied to the topic Flipping/Wholesaling in USA from Australia in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    Can you please explain why you must live there? There are plenty of people successfully doing this without living in the location.

  • Freedom replied to the topic Advice to go the next step? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 3 months ago

    Oh I am so jealous of your position!!! Although I built my first home at 18yo, I didn’t find the teachers or methods to show me how to go ahead and make the money I could have made. In my defence there wasn’t really the internet like there is now. But I came back to start back into Real Estate after having children and using up our funds.…[Read more]

  • Catalyst, do you happen to know if there are any meet ups in Adelaide, or if anybody could Skype in to one in Sydney? Struggling to find them over here!

  • Freedom started the topic Mentors/Teachers in USA in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    I often see advertisements on Craigslist offering positions/mentoring/training to those who would like to invest in Real Estate. They promise to teach the ropes to the right person. As far as I am aware, nobody would be out there offering Mentoring for no money… are they just selling courses and will hit up applicants for lots of money once…[Read more]

  • Freedom replied to the topic Global Real Estate Investing Basics – Part 3 – Strategy & Team in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    There is always opportunity in a volatile market like USA isn’t there? Just which strategy to use changes depending on where the market is in the area you are working in.

  • Freedom started the topic Flipping/Wholesaling in USA from Australia in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    I would love to connect with anybody who is successfully wholesaling or flipping contracts for properties in USA from Australia! Would love to share ideas, inspiration, information.

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