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ken smith

  • ken smith replied to the topic Buy as PPOR or Investment in the forum General Property 17 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Elka,I'll have a chat to the accountant for sure. Thanks for your input and good luckKen

  • ken smith replied to the topic Unit Renovations in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 1 month ago

    Sounds like there is not a huge scope to do much more. Re kitchen: I recently reno'd  a one beder and managed to get a very contempory result for approx $500. Here's how. Cupboards boxes themselves were in reasonable nic but the doors were shabby and discoloured and the benchtop was revolting. Removed, patched and repainted doors with a semi…[Read more]

  • ken smith replied to the topic Unit Renovations in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Judah,Yeh Ive reno'd quite a few and may have some cost effective ideas. Tell me more about the unit i.e. describe kitchen/ bathroom, what floor is the unit on i.e top? And, how skilled are you? I find the key to the cheaper units is to spend as little as possible as there is generally not a huge margin.

ken smith

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