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  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    So in summary, Japan had massive credit-financed speculative bubbles which burst, leading to deflation. Seems the similarities are greater than the differences.Stories relating the differing attitudes towards shares and real estate are irrelevant on the basis that prior to their crashes, the Japanese people had the same beliefs as Australians…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic need to be well informed about property investment in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 11 months ago

    I'm a bit confused. This bit:

    waterfleck wrote:
    my home as well as his will be used as security to finance the house we build

    doesn't sit well with this bit:

    a legal agreement made beforehand that ensures my home is secure in the event of bankruptcy and that his interests are also protected.

    If you are using your home as security for…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    Whoops, I forgot to respond to "are australian banks short of capital at the moment".What our banks are critically short of is liquid assets. Only seven tenths of one per cent (0.7%) of all bank assets are held in truly liquid assets – RBA deposits and government securities. The remainder of what they call liquid assets are actually just loans and…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    alani wrote:
    are australian banks short of capital at the moment, umm, I dont think so, is there going to be a mass influx of retirees next year? did the japanesse  have superannuation systems in place?? 

    Pfft! Are you saying the primary reason the Japanese have had 15 years of stagnation and mild deflation was because they had too many re…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic HELP NEEDED ASAP FOR FINANCE DEAL in the forum Creative Investing 15 years, 11 months ago

    pauls05 wrote:
    Basicly is it possible to get a contact price of say $260,000 and find a way to only pay the seller say $230000  and pocket the excess at settlement without the bank knowing.-Paul smart 0406660891[email protected]

    Sure, it's called fraud, or more specifically the offence of 'obtaining money by deception' and punishable under the…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic Previous sale prices for residential property in NSW? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 11 months ago

    tess85 wrote:
    have you visited the site lately? used to be free, now is $5 per year.

    Nope. Just use the search box on the home page: in the suburb you want, and all the sold price records show up. Cheers, F. [cowboy2]

  • foundation replied to the topic Previous sale prices for residential property in NSW? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 11 months ago

    Why $5 per year? Just enter the suburb (or specific property) in the search, and previous sales show up!

  • foundation replied to the topic Previous sale prices for residential property in NSW? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 11 months ago

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    C2 wrote:
    Without getting involved in any of the jibes I would like to say that references to Japans deflation shouldn't be use as examples of what can happen in OZ housing market.

    I absolutely disagree. The dynamics of debt deflation are precisely the same. The overpriced asset market (the bubble) has a corresponding future obligation of…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    crashy wrote:

    foundation wrote:
    You clearly haven't been keeping your eye on the inflation figures that are coming through.

    it's this kind of arrogant, aggressive, argumentative know-it-all attitude that really pisses people off.give it a rest

    I think I've been very measured in response to the provocation, aggression and outright lies from…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    harb wrote:
    At the current rate the return on cash is going to be falling below the inflation rate before X-mas.

    You clearly haven't been keeping your eye on the inflation figures that are coming through.

    Your 'risk free investment portfolio' is soon going to become a 'return free investment portfolio'

    Return free in dollar terms…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    Aha!I've just uncovered (through my magical google powers) why Harry Harb here is such a nasty sarcastic creature!Here's what he was up to in September 2006:

    harb wrote:
    My favorite pick is South Yunderup, the suburb is on a dead end street with direct access to the highway and industrial areas north of it, near the river, Peel Inlet and close…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    harb wrote:

    foundation wrote:
    Flash, I bought a few dozen bullion-grade fine silver one ounce coins over 2004 & 2005. Also some Unc Australian Mint silver coins ranging from an ounce up to a couple of 10oz'ers. All bought when silver spot was less than US$7. None for more than AU$10.50. Currently up around 66%.

    Which I'm sure you've already…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    crashy wrote:
    Im confused here. you quote an old post that is supposed to prove that you DONT post late trades, but all you have done is provide another example of you doing just that. anyone can say "oh I did this back then and it's gone up, arent I clever?"hows that for googling your old posts?

    That's not an example of your google prowess. I…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    crashy wrote:
    well spotted harb.F seems to a "multiple property owner" who "expects prices to fall hard", yet instead of selling he has "structured my investments to deal with this" (deflation) while simultaneously being "liquid" without being in cash. Obviously this means he is in shares but instead of simply saying that, he implies that he has…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    crashy wrote:
    "Other investments include gold and silver purchased in 2004-2006"again, said nothing at the time.

    You're making a fool of yourself again crashy! Check this post (there are plenty of other examples here too) from July 7, 2006:

    foundation wrote:
    Flash, I bought a few dozen bullion-grade fine silver one ounce coins over 2004 &…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    L.A Aussie wrote:

    foundation wrote:
    And no, even if mortgage rates fell to 5%, I would not be borrowing money to buy real estate…

    If the property was pos geared, and you were looking to buy  and hold long term, why wouldn't you?

    Because I fully expect a decade of deflation, ala Japan. And because of this, I have structured my investments…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    crashy wrote:
    the only thing that excites (F)wit is "oooo goody, another opportunity to make crashy look stoopid"

    Why would I need to? You seem so well adapted at achieving that outcome for yourself!  Hint: Name-calling is childish. Cheers, F. [cowboy2] Harb: For what it's worth I expect the RBA to cut the OCR well below the record low of 4.25%…[Read more]

  • foundation replied to the topic what does a 1% drop in rates do for us? in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    harb wrote:

    foundation wrote:
    Huh? This only takes interest rates back to where they were last November.

    Where is the latest cut taking us back to, 5 years ago ? Wait another month and it 'll be back to 7 years ago.How is your landlord doing, could you say hello from me and ask him if he wouldn't mind passing that rate cut to you so your…[Read more]

  • dublin_101 wrote:
    Or should I just jump in with the mentality of "all propery doubles in 10 years" and hope for the best.

    No. You should approach this in a balanced and measured fashion, much as you've already started to do here.

    give90 wrote:
    doesn't the money that you input from your pocket get carried over as a loss against the…[Read more]

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