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Christopher Berry

  • Christopher Berry‘s profile was updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago

  • Christopher Berry replied to the topic POR with guarantor loan in the forum Creative Investing 1 year, 3 months ago

    Good Morning,

    You can purchase a property where your wife is the sole owner of the property, and you are only on loan as a servicing guarantee as long as you are using a lender who provides this ability, which the majority of lenders do and as long as it is between a husband and wife or defacto partners.

    However, you must understand that any…[Read more]

  • Christopher Berry replied to the topic Urgent loans for $20K in the forum Finance 2 years, 1 month ago

    Hi John,

    I am the in-house broker for property investing and the information you have provided is correct. AMP has recently changed its appetite by only providing any type of trust loan, whether it be a purchase, refinance or increase at an aggregate million-dollar minimum. There are a few other lenders who would be willing to do this deal,…[Read more]

  • Christopher Berry replied to the topic Increasing burrowing capacity in the forum Finance 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hi There,

    I am the in-house mortgage broker for property investing and I have access to over 50 different lenders. It definitely does pay to look outside the one lender as different lenders have different ways of calculating things and I have seen one lender offer $300K more based on the exact same numbers. The reason being is they factor in…[Read more]

  • Christopher Berry replied to the topic Increasing burrowing capacity in the forum Finance 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hi There,

    I am the in-house mortgage broker for property investing and I have access to over 50 different lenders. It definitely does pay to look outside the one lender as different lenders have different ways of calculating things and I have seen one lender offer $300K more based on the exact same numbers. The reason being is they factor in…[Read more]

  • Christopher Berry replied to the topic Dilemma on how to start in the forum Help Needed! 4 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks Benny

    Hi Amelie,

    Without seeing the structure of the setup and confirming if the company that owns the properties is trading, it is a bit hard to give you some exact advice on your situation.

    If you have the income to support the lending on your own including any income received outside of this company as well as the rental income…[Read more]

  • Christopher Berry replied to the topic Help Needed in the forum Help Needed! 5 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks, Jason, Appreciate that!

    Hi Craig, To answer your questions, as long as servicing of the debt is evident then there is no reason that this amount would need to be closed. I’m assuming it operates as a rainy day fund and as long as you can afford it, then yes you can certainly keep it there.

    When you purchase a new property, you would need…[Read more]

  • Christopher Berry replied to the topic Help Needed in the forum Help Needed! 5 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks, Jason, Appreciate that!

    Hi Craig, To answer your questions, as long as servicing of the debt is evident then there is no reason that this amount would need to be closed. I’m assuming it operates as a rainy day fund and as long as you can afford it, then yes you can certainly keep it there.

    When you purchase a new property, you would need…[Read more]

  • Christopher Berry replied to the topic Career Insight in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 3 months ago

    Good Afternoon Pete,

    My name is Chris Berry and I am currently the mortgage broker who deals with all leads and referrals for Steve Mcknight and

    I have been in the finance game for about 16 years now and thought I would give you my opinion on the industry.

    Being a finance broker and working for myself, I can definitely…[Read more]

  • Christopher Berry changed their profile picture 6 years, 8 months ago

Christopher Berry

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