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  • Bonner replied to the topic Homeowners insurance for Australians in US in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Just Heared from my property Manager. Apprarently this is happening generally becuase of the increase of theft.

  • Bonner replied to the topic Renovating For Profit in Brisbane – QBSA restrictions in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi DeanThanks for your post. I can see where the BSA website says that you have to use a BSA licenced contractor for work over $3,300.But if each project in a renovation is less than $11,000 and you are using a BSA licenced contractor then surely you wont need to be an OB? Even if a projects in a renovation are greater than $11,000 and you are us…[Read more]

  • Bonner replied to the topic HSBC or Citibank in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 5 months ago

    petejac1 wrote:
    You don't need a SSN.  As I have set up an LLC for "Asset Protection" they class this as a Business Bank Account and I am doing Direct Pay.  You have to be careful there is Direct Pay and then there is Bill Pay.

    So Wells Fargo sent the direct pay device to you. Did they send it to you in Australia?

  • Bonner replied to the topic Aran Dunlop Interviews in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 11 months ago

    Steve and Aran thanks for your interview clip. I am interested in  investing in the USA and have been seeking with interest anything that might give me a clue on the best way forward. It appears that Steve is advocating  "hands on" investment  and is looking to empower people so that they can acheive the best result possible. I am interested in th…[Read more]


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