andrewbeech replied to the topic Valuation comes too low in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 4 months ago
Have I missed something or are we discussing potentially walking away from a tiny deposit of $1,250? i.e. $500k @ 0.25% as opposed to potentially overpaying for a property by $40,000? Or has someone put the decimal point in the wrong place and you actually mean a 2.5% deposit?The other thing to consider is that if you have gone unconditional could…[Read more]
andrewbeech replied to the topic Tips for a 17 year old – Getting into property investing in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 4 months ago
Hi – not sure what your current part time job is but if it's not already in the property industry this may be a good "educational" move for you. I took my first part time job while studying at uni with a local developer and just being around property on a regular basis exposes you to tips and tricks that others may never get to see. I managed to…[Read more]