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  • Yoly replied to the topic First time property investment in the forum General Property 11 years, 9 months ago

    In terms of then buy the right IP. What type of price range should I be looking at. Also people say that melb isn't the right place to be looking. I woulnt know where else I should be looking then 

  • Yoly replied to the topic First time property investment in the forum General Property 11 years, 9 months ago

    You suppose nothing /Wannnabe?. Thanks for the support there freckle. Well just to refresh your narrow mind. I came to this forum for advise. Not lame negative dribble. Happy to hear your advice. But with out the kiddy humor 

  • Yoly replied to the topic First time property investment in the forum General Property 11 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks Qlds007,

    At the moment I do have my savings in a fixed term deposit. Witch actually will mature on the 26th of this month.

    So your saying keep doing what I'm doing.  And borrow the hole amount of a property. And use my saving as a security.

    There are some people saying just to hang on to my savings as its not a buyers market and to just…[Read more]

  • Yoly replied to the topic First time property investment in the forum General Property 11 years, 9 months ago

    Hi JacM,
    thanks for your post, Will defiantly look into these peolple  


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