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  • Profile photo of ADAD
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 636

    Hey all.

    Sorry for not being around much but finishing off some great deals…..time…..I want more time…..

    Anyway I was reading posts and something I was once mentored about came back to me. It saddens me to see many people asking for specific answers as to property buy/sell dilemmas at times. I do not deny that community encourages and helps provide perspective but the bottom line is the choice is yours. You are in control. As Tony Robbins says when you make decisions things start getting better as you take control of your life and not let others have control.

    To me life is like an Archery Target. When we shoot, we each get our own targets to aim at which are specifically made for us. For me the target is all that is right for me. Outside the target (miss the target) I have crossed into doing things that are outside my moral/ethical/practical boundaries.

    In a property sense though…..

    On the target are a whole lot of rings and a bullseye. Aren’t all the rings worth something ?
    I do not deny that I aim for the bullseye every time but sometimes I make choices that aren’t the best one (in hindsight) and my rewards are not as great but they still reward me. I always aim for maximum outcome (bullseye) but as long as I am staying in tune with my goals/desired outcomes and that is reflected in the choices I make then I am going forward. I regularly hit the outer rings.

    Too often we only ever see the bullseye.

    Everybody wants to hit a bullseye first time and every time. Let’s be honest how many of us hit the bullseye in Archery first time……How many of us even hit the target.

    Just remember that it is important to aim for the bullseye but if we make choices in line with our goals then we are still hitting the target. As we hit that target we learn and soon enough we start getting better. Decisions I make now are much better than when I first started… That is the up side of life…..we can learn from our mistakes and do better next time.

    So next time you are making a choice about what to do remember to ask yourself, “Is this going to take me closer to my goals or further away ?”

    If you choose only what takes you closer the worst you can do is hit the target, but you are sure to hit the odd bullseye……

    Happy investing.

    AD [:0)]

    “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

    Profile photo of maximusmaximus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    Hi Andrew. Very thought provoking and I’m sure I will re-read this a few times, or better still print it out. I find posts like this (i.e more of a comment than a question or answer)kind of inspiring and helps me to focus on the big picture.



    Profile photo of NessieNessie
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 73

    Hi Andrew

    Great reading. I thought I was actually reading my property investing life so far – everything you said has happened to me. Many a time have aimed high (the bullseye) and not hit it. Got the outside rings or totally missed, but have learnt a lot and also learnt not to make the same mistake next time round.

    Time is such an important factor. There is never enough time but with a little patience and time out for reflection it is easy to hit the bullseyes. Once you hit the first bullseye they keep coming thereafter providing you don’t stray and you keep control of your destiny. A rushed decision is usually not a bullseye.


    Profile photo of ADAD
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 636

    Knowing you Nessie there are probably a lot of Bullseyes going on.

    I here what you say about rushed decisions. On the flip side though I notice how easy it is for me to make decisions now compared with when I began. The numbers fly through my head and I am able to provie very quick responses for people.
    Time does train the brain as well.

    AD [:0)]

    “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

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