All Topics / Forum Frolic / Roy McDonald OneLife Information 2023

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  • Profile photo of Jordli67Jordli67
    Join Date: 2023
    Post Count: 0



    I recently went to one of Roy McDonald’s OneLife intro seminars and was persuaded into signing up for his Mindset and wealth masterclass/Alchemy program with the goal of investing in property.. I am a complete novice regarding wealth creation and property investment and like many people today, on a tight budget, therefore, after doing a bit of research about Mr McDonald and his courses, I am now on full alert. Does anyone have any recent information about his programs? Thanks.

    Profile photo of Equ501Equ501
    Join Date: 2023
    Post Count: 0


    Yes I am aware of the One Life Group, I would love to offer you some guideless in processing with them, reply me back. for more details.

    Profile photo of Graeme FreerGraeme Freer
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 47

    I also did Roy Macdonald’s course. Happy to chat offline

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by Profile photo of Graeme Freer Graeme Freer. Reason: Typo

    Graeme Freer | Freer Property and Finance
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    Buyers Agent

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