All Topics / General Property / Property Investment catch up in Newcastle?

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  • Profile photo of WittyEagleWittyEagle
    Join Date: 2021
    Post Count: 0

    Hi Guys, just wondering if you know of any property investment groups in Newcastle NSW or surrounds? Would love to meet with like-minded people at any stage of your journey so we can exchange ideas and information. If none, would anyone be interested in catching up?

    Profile photo of sandhyasandhya
    Join Date: 2021
    Post Count: 0

    Hi witty

    we would very much love to catch up, as that’s where our next property efforts are going to be focused. We are based in Wollongong though. But we do come to Sydney every Sunday. Alternately we could have a zoom chat…

    Profile photo of sampson_701sampson_701
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 20

    I would be interested.

    In lake mac.

    Keep me posted.

    Profile photo of WittyEagleWittyEagle
    Join Date: 2021
    Post Count: 0

    @sampson_701 I am also in Lake Mac, and I know someone not on this forum that may be interested in catching up. I’ll write to you directly.

    Rest of the forum, please let us know if you are in Newcastle/Lake Macquarie and want to join for an casual chat about property.

    Profile photo of MundenMunden
    Join Date: 2022
    Post Count: 0

    Sounds good. Am at Salt Ash (near Newie airport). Would love to catch up with local property investors.


    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Profile photo of Munden Munden.
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Profile photo of Munden Munden.
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