Hi everybody! I’m Chantel and I’m from Newcastle. I’m reasonably new here and to the investment property world! This is an introductory post / advice post.. I’m finding that one of my biggest challenges is finding a good property investment team that work well together. I just have a few questions regarding that…
1. Whats your name and where are you from! I’d love to get to know everyone :)
2. Who is on your team? How do you keep in contact with them (over the phone, texts, emails, letters, appointments)?.
3. How often should they be talking to me? And about what!? Haha.
4. How do you keep track of everything that happens with numerous team members?
Firstly welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your time with us.
My wife is a Novacastrian being born and bred in Merewether so i know the City well.
Congratulations on deciding to take the plunge and start to build a property portfolio.
Certainly a different market place to when I started buying property in the 1980’s but the concepts are the same.
Whilst I don’t believe in self promotion on this forum as far as what my Company does we are Professional Mortgage Brokers. I am lucky enough to have an excellent team who work with clients from start to finish in helping them navigate the finance maze.
If you ever feeling like a chat, what to drop us a line with investment questions or even read my API interview shout out.
Looking forward to hearing how your investment journey progresses.
Yours in Finance
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi everybody! I’m Chantel and I’m from Newcastle. I’m reasonably new here and to the investment property world! This is an introductory post / advice post.. I’m finding that one of my biggest challenges is finding a good property investment team that work well together. I just have a few questions regarding that…
1. Whats your name and where are you from! I’d love to get to know everyone :)
2. Who is on your team? How do you keep in contact with them (over the phone, texts, emails, letters, appointments)?.
3. How often should they be talking to me? And about what!? Haha.
4. How do you keep track of everything that happens with numerous team members?
I hope that I see you guys around the forums :)!
Welcome to the forums Chantel
1. I was working as a pizza delivery driver before I decided I wanted to build my own portfolio to create a strong passive income. Fourteen properties later I’m now a Buyers Agent and doing what I love every day.
2. Accountants, mortgage brokers, conveyancers, property managers, sales agents, insurance brokers and other investors. Best way is to ask them what they prefer. I have plenty of people who prefer a call whilst others an email is fine. There are also plenty of investment meet ups out there. I’d recommend going to some if possible. It’s great to meet people in different stages of their investing careers.
3. Depends if they want you to buy something :) or to give an update on a changing policy or market conditions changing etc.
4. A diary is the best thing to use. A paper trail is important!
Hope this helps and best of luck with your journey!
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Tony Fleming.