All Topics / Help Needed! / buying/selling without an agent

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  • Profile photo of DeeBeezDeeBeez
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 4

    Quick question, have many ppl offered a vendor a price to purchase their property with the condition no agents be used?

    And were you successful?

    I am keen on a unit that is currently advertised through an agent, and I am thinking to contact the vendor with an offer direct and not through the agent.

    I assume the vendor would prefer to save on the agent, as would I.

    Is it worth trying to bypass the real estate agent? sorry all agents out there!! 

    First home and trying to save best way I can.



    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1,253

    Hey I would be very cautious about doing this as this is a very murky area. If the agent can prove that he introduced you as the buyer than he is within his rights to try and recover his fee from the vendor. One of the latest property mags actually had this as an part of an article. Sorry I can't actually remember which one.

    Go hard on negotiating and try to save some cash there rather than get yourself into a big mess for no good reason.


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    Having been introduced to the property by the agent's sign, the agent can effectively say that you have seen the property due to their advertising. They generally retain the right for all introductions for a few months after their initial period has lapsed.

    The agent fee is generally neglible at the end of the day 1-3% of most sales, so go in hard, negotiate for the best outcome rather than trying to save a pittance without the assistance of the agent. Yes, the agent does assist the sale by conditioning the vendor's expectations unless the purchaser is out of the ball park.

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