All Topics / Help Needed! / First home grant q’s + where to buy?!

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  • Profile photo of spunkyspunky
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 3

    HI everyone. I found this site by chance (google) but I am thrilled that I have and I would like to ask a few questions.

    My husband and I are house hunting. This will be his first home and mine too BUT back in 1996 (when I was 19) my mum put me on a title when she was buying a flat as my income was required to service the loan. I didn't have ANY financial interest in the property (never made any loan repayments, didn't come up with the deposit, etc..) and I would like to know if it would be at all possible for me to put a case through and be now eligible for the FHOG! Please note that I did buy an investment property about 6yrs ago but never lived in it.

    If not, can my husband get the house just in his name and be eligible for the FHOG. Someone told me to go as far as separate with him and that they don't really check things and I might be able to get away with it, but we have 2 little kids and I really don't want to go as far as separation. Is there any other way??? $14,000 is a lot of money and I don't want to miss out on it!

    Another question is about where to buy and when is a good time. Everyone's suggestion is that now is a good time but should we wait until next year (as late as june) for the house prices to go down even more? My ideal area to buy in is around Bentleigh (my family is from this area) but his is Hillside (his family is from that area). I think Hillside is too far and its not a very safe area to live in. Anyone know of Hillside and if it is infact a good area? (compared to Bentleigh)???

    If anyone can suggest anything that would be greatly appreciated

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Hi Spunky

    Firstly welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your time with us.

    Regretfully if your name was on the Title and your mother used the property as her Principal Place of residence then you will have disqualified yourself against buying your own PPOR and qualifying for the FHOG. 

    If however the property was an investment property for your mother and she did not reside in the property then there is no reason why you would not qualify.

    Unfortunately buying in your husbands sole name will not aide you as the question "Have you or your Spouse ever owned a residential property prior to July 1 2000" will again disqualify you. 

    I think whoever told you to pretend you were Separated has not read about the numerous cases where the OSR have through their random checks and audits successfully prosecuted persons who have falsy claimed the Grant and are being asked not only to repay it but also to cover the heavy fine that accompanies such action.

    Such action could also have a bearing on  any Family Assistance you may receive or may likely to receive in the future.

    Regretfully honesty in the best policy in these circumstances.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

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