All Topics / Overseas Deals / Accountants That Lodge USA Tax Returns In Oz??

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  • Profile photo of Wiley33Wiley33
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5


    I've lost contact with my accountant in Sydney who previously prepared my USA Property Tax Returns.

    Does anyone know of a good Australian accountant who's familiar with preparing Tax Returns with the IRS for Foreign Nationals with multiple properties in the US?

    Thanks heaps.

    Phone: 0402 444 527

    Profile photo of Luke TaylorLuke Taylor
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 415

    I cant help you with an aussie accountant that does returns in the US but i know an experienced US accountant who specialises in property acounting and teaches on it to investors all over.

    His name is Michael plaks.

    you can find many recomendations for him on

    Michaels email is [email protected]
    and his ph is 00 111 713 721 3321

    Then normally you take yr usa return and off set it against yr ozzie return with a profit or loss whichever is the case,
    any accountant should be able to do that part for u in ozzie.

    hope it helps

    kind regards


    Luke Taylor | Hope Property Investing
    Email Me

    Property Support,Strategist and Buyers Agent

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