All Topics / General Property / Graham Dyer – Has any-one heard of him and predictions??

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  • Profile photo of toowoombatoowoomba
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    Graham sent me emails stating the Australian Ecomony will falter in the next 6mths He lives on the Gold Coast QLD.
    Reckons he predicted '87 & 91 markets and property boom and busts. He is aligned with Elliot Wave Principles also.

    Any-One heard of this person??

    Profile photo of L.A AussieL.A Aussie
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1,488

    I don't know who he is. Interesting article though. Can't say I disagree either; I'm not a negative person; just highly cynical, and do things opposite to the crowd.
    But I won't pay $50 p/m for a newsletter though, or $195 for a book.
    Reading his article reminded me of a few things;
    1. Rich Dad's Prophecy – a great book by Robert Kiyosaki about preparing yourself for the future and what it might hold; primarily the stock-market crash that he predicts will occur, and why, around 2012.
    2. I recently read a book about the lead-up to the 1929 Stock Market crash, the mindset of the people of the day, the debt levels, the economies around the world. The factors in the 2007 world are scarily similar.
    3. Warren Buffet's quote – "I buy my straw hats in the winter".
    4. The sentiment about "man-made" global warming. To think that MAN can cause an atmospheric imbalance is laughable; actually – it's not even funny; it's sick. I went to Yosemite National Park earlier this year. There is a gorge there that is SO huge that it makes you feel like an amoeba; actually no – a nucleus. Then I looked at the same spot on Google Earth in relation to the Yosemite National Park. The gorge is the size of an amoeba. Then I looked at Yosemite National park in relation to the State of California. The Park is an amoeba. And so on and so on. Then there are the oceans – 75% of the world's surface. We are fleas eggs fighting over a dog, but the mainstream thinks otherwise because the media tells them so.
    It would be interesting to hear Graham's take on that point.

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