All Topics / Help Needed! / Terms and Conditions of Contract

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  • Profile photo of GlenLorneGlenLorne
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    I have recently signed a contract to purchase a block of units. Settlement is due early in July. However, I am struggling to get info from the vendor re original construction costs, value of fixtures and fittings and costs of new stoves, air cons, laundry tubs, kitchens that he has installed in the units over the past few years. I have been advised the vendor is required to hand over this info under tax law to provide the buyer with a basis for depreciation going forward. The advise I have is that if this info is available, the ATO will not accept a Quantity Surveyor’s estimates?
    Second question : Is the vendor within his rights to renew tenancy agreements due to expire late in July (ie after settlement) during the next few weeks before settlement?

    Thanks and regards[blink]

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