All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Suggestions for legal help?

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  • Profile photo of ECLIPSEECLIPSE
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 5

    I am living in Victoria (south eastern Melbourne) and we are looking at buying our first home soon – already found a house to put an offer in on but now comes the advice request… Does anyone have a lawyer/conveyencer whom they can recomend to help us with our offer etc? This will be our stepping stone to many more investment properties in the very near future, so we need to find someone who is knowledgable in positive investing and live by what they teach their clients!
    Can you help us?

    Profile photo of YoungInvestorYoungInvestor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 377

    Hi Eclipse,

    I can recommend a very good and honest (especially with pricing) conveyancer who works out of Moorabbin.

    Please e-mail me or send me a PM if you are interested.

    Steve (YI)

    “Knowledge is Power”

    Profile photo of salsachinitasalsachinita
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 34

    Oooh, that’s sounds like a contact I need!

    Could I also have his details if I PM you, Steve?


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