All Topics / General Property / Potential Positive Cashflow Property

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  • Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    Hi all

    I have been interested in real estate investing for some time now and have just finished Steve’s book (From 0 to 130 properties in 3.5 years). I have spent many hours scouring the net and many other sources in the search for positive cashflow real estate. I have managed to find some but unfortunately do not have any deposit and am in between jobs currently (hoping to gain employment as a real estate agent).

    In Steve’s book he talks about seeking potential investors through the forum here who might be interested in details on positive cash flow deals. If any one knows any details of how I would contact people who are interested in the details your input would be much appreciated. I just wish I had the means to take advantage of them myself [confused2]

    Many thanks

    Great way to start earning cashflow for real estate investing:

    Profile photo of cbellesinicbellesini
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 72

    Maybe you should start a post that shows the numbers in the deals you have found and see if anyone is interested in being a money partner. There are different ways to go about this by either having part share in the deals or offering a return on their money. Eg The deal may return 25% p.a and you could give them 15% and keep the 10% with no money down. Other ways to help you out initially is to see if you can borrow a deposit from your parents. Banks like you to have money sitting in your bank for at least 3 months so if you can do this early it gives you more options. I’d also look into structuring and how you can use companies and trusts to borrow money

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