All Topics / Help Needed! / sub-division

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  • Profile photo of evilucianoeviluciano
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 14

    hey guys,
    i’ve got another question, simple one though.
    what exactly is a sub-division ?
    how does it work ?
    how does it affect the property ?
    how can you make one happen ?

    i always hear about it but i don’t actually know the concept of it.
    thanks guys sorry about the newbie questions lol
    got start somewhere :)

    Profile photo of Alistair PerryAlistair Perry
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 891

    Subdivision is the breaking up of a property on one title into two or more different titles. The process is handled by a surveyor, although you generally need a town planning permit before it is possible. In most cases the value of the sum of the smaller properties will be larger than that of the original property.

    Profile photo of evilucianoeviluciano
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 14

    “Subdivision is the breaking up of a property on one title into two or more different titles.”

    i’m still not too clear, does the house go from having one owner to two ? Can that be done on a single house ? or are we talking about units? sorry but i’m not 100% clear on that.
    does it mean that two houses are built on one land and when you subdivise the houses are now owned by seperate people ?

    thanks for the reply

    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905surreyhughes19905
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 204

    At some point crown land (land ownded by the government and not by a private individual) is released for sale through some governemnt apointed company or department. That appointed company cuts the land into useable chunks and probably puts in roads or plans for roads and sewer and so on (or not if its rural). The chunks are given a title and private people buy them, you for example.
    So you have a chunk of land. You can build a house on it or, if the council approves (they’ve got stacks of rules on this) you can further cut your chunk of land into smaller chunks. In other words:
    You can take your division and further divide it, ei sub-divide the land (division).
    So if you had and acre sized division of land you might choose to subdivide it into 4 1/4 acre blocks each with their own title. You would then own 4 blocks of land the sum of which would equal your original 1 block. Since you have 4 separate titles you can sell them individually (theoretically for profit).

    How does it work? Well you need to contact the local council and find out how to submit a plan of subdivision. You will need to get a planner / surveryor to draw up a plan for council approval. If it gets approved then you fill in stacks of paper work and get new titles for each fo the new blocks of land.

    How does it affect the property? Well there are a couple of different ways you can subdivide but basically you either produce new blocks that stand alone (like the one you originally bought) or you create common property and thus must also craete a body corporate to look after it (like common driveways or front lawn or pools and such).

    How can you make one happen? Talk to the council then hire someone to draw up plans and submit them.

    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905surreyhughes19905
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 204

    Subdivision has little or nothing to do with houses themselves. It’s the land that is subdivided and it’s the land that is owned and has a title registered with the government.

    What you put on the land may influence the approval of a subdivision, but ultimately is a temporary development. If you wanted to cut a block directly in half and it had a big house that covered the entire block you would have to include in the plan of subdivision what happens to the house in order for the plan to be considered (like you’ll knock it down). But the house itself is not being sudvided, only the land under it.

    If that clears things up.

    Profile photo of evilucianoeviluciano
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 14

    thanks guys that really cleared it up for me, i basically forgot that there are blocks of land which are very large and thus can be subdivided.
    i kept trying to think how can a piece of land be subdivided if there’s no space for that to happen, as where i live only has house, backyard, frontyard as any other average suburban house.
    thanks for that, i was just stuck inside the box in that one.

    Cheers !

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