All Topics / Heads Up! / ED BURTON SEMINAR

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  • Profile photo of roborobo
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 155


    Profile photo of p0sitiveCasHfl0wp0sitiveCasHfl0w
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 133

    Hi Robo,

    Here is a link to a post reviewing the recently held Ed Burton seminar… Hope this helps… [:D][:D]



    You must stay pOsitive
    …then the cAsHfl0w will come!

    Profile photo of ScottyTavScottyTav
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 18

    I attended this seminar and I admit there was nothing really new but he has an awful lot of promises. The thing that got to me was the constant pushing of his CD’s and his VIP group whick costs $480 per month by the way on top of the $1480 for the course and the $1280 for the CD’s and the $245 for the Positive Gearing Programme. As you can see a for a newbie like me I was seriously out of pocket! He makes you feel like if you don’t sign up for everything o will be left behind withut him but all through the course he says how easy everyhting is to do. A”no brainer” as he calls it. He is also VERY sketchy on details. He always gives it the positive spin to all he talks about like “look this property is going up by 10% a year and it is positively geared to the tune of $20 in you pocket! A real no brainer!” He neglects to point out the hidden costs by at least 50%. He never mentioned valuation costs, most of the fees, quantity surveyors etc. He just said ” It costs X to buy, payments are Y and rent is Z. Z covers Y so there you go. Not that easy Ed. He also gives his finance guys a good wrap that he says aren’t directly related to him but I’m sure they weren’t there for the fun of it but what annoyed me is that he drops figures like “we have a guy here who does low doc loans for 5.4” so you think gee that is great and I better sign up here so I can get in on that but as we all know, interest rates are determined mostly on an individual basis so I’m sure a newbies rate would be much higher. Ed also dodged around the question of intrest hikes. I wouldn’t want 4 properties at 250,000 each only clearing me $20 p/week going up by 3%. I would finish most people. That is why I asked for a refund the Monday after. I much prefer do do it Steves wy :)

    Profile photo of BillfromozBillfromoz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 381

    G’day Scotty…

    You may be new to this Forum but you sure picked up on the crap didn’t you?

    Got your email and will contact you later.

    Hope you got your dough back.



    Bill O’Mara
    Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex. [email protected]

    Profile photo of JellyBJellyB
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    O.K I admit the hard sell was a bit to take, but if you take the basic principles Ed was trying to teach everyone I don’t think you could go wrong. I believe he is sincere in his quest to instruct the ordinary investor on how to maximise their assets to propel their wealth creation faster. Sometimes you need that motivation to keep going. It has only been 3 weeks since I attended the Sydney seminar and already I have purchased a property in QLD that would satisfy even Steve’s criteria of positive cashflow but with the added bonus of fantastic growth as well, since I signed up for the silver membership (only $38 amonth, not $480 as previously said) and that gave me access to the residex report on the fastest growing postcodes in the country. I think perhaps you have thrown the baby out with the bath water in your quest to be more intelligent than the rest. Remember that there are a lot of people out there who are trying to help average people to achieve in this area because they believe we all should have access to this information and put your own ego in your back pocket when someone who has actually done what we are trying to do is sharing his insights with you.

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