All Topics / Hotch Potch / Young QLD Investor Needs Help!

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  • Profile photo of Young_InvestorYoung_Investor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9

    I am a little to young to actually purchase property (17 years of age). But I have read 0 to 130 properties in 3.5 years cover to cover and have read countless articles on the Internet with regards to investment in positive cashflow properties and numerous books including, Borrowing to invest by Noel Whittaker, The Property Investor’s Handbook by Graham J. Airey, Golden Rules Of Wealth by Noel Whittaker, Understanding Investments (4th Edition) by Charles Bellaerts and Kevin Forde and finally Personal Financial Management by John English, Barry Hicks, Sue Hrasky and Nikole Gyles.

    I gained knowledge from all of them, but in the end I am only choosing to apply pieces of each of their suggestions. For example, I am not about to go right out and put all of my money in futures, nor am I going to keep it in the bank or invest it all in property. You get the point; they all have their pros and cons. But my goal is to achieve financial independence. So I am aiming to invest in property to increase the number of “income streams” that sustain me, but also increase capital growth by investing in “blue chip” shares.

    I am curious, I have saved every penny since I started reading the book. I have saved $700 so far and that was in one month and I still am at school. I admit I don’t have any social life, but I didn’t before. Anyway, I was thinking of investing in shares to build up my cash reserves or should I just keep it in the bank at an interest rate of 4.6% (Dragon Direct Savers Account)?

    Also where should I start looking for investment properties and what is the minimum I can start with and considering my age, how soon can I start investing in positive cash flow property, I realize with investment properties I won’t be able to utilize the First Home Owners Grant (FHOG). I think that by the time that I am 18 (May 2004), I would have about $7 000 (I get a pay rise in between now and May 2004, then another in May 2004) saved.

    I was hoping someone could please give me some more specific direction. If I was going to purchase property (I live on the Gold Coast) I would prefer to purchase in Queensland’s, regional areas and maybe northern New South Wales. I would like to apply the buy and hold strategy, as I seem to be most comfortable with that. I currently work and go to school. Earlier I was working two jobs and going to school, I am determined my CV would further reinforce this, as would statements from those I interact with at school and in the workplace.

    On another note, I would like to know what small / home business ventures you would suggest for someone who has few qualifications (Certificate II in Information Technology) and an increasing interest in investing. Also what is required to start and successfully run a home-based business?
    For example, how do you apply for an ABN and what else would you need?

    I don’t expect anyone to have all the answers, but I was hoping a few people could give some helpful advise and or direction, maybe even by providing links to relevant and or helpful sites. Thank you everyone, if you managed to read through all of this content.

    I will post another article giving more detail about my service as a spotter. I’ll post it after this post, for more info. email me at [email protected].

    Thanks heaps,

    Profile photo of Prop16Prop16
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 145

    Hi Christopher,

    since you have a Certificate in IT why don’t you start a Home Business by providing personal service to people in your area about how to use a computer and teaching them the basics of MS Office and Excel and Internet. One of your target is eg. older people who don’t want to go to the TAFE College because they don’t want anybody to know that they can’t use a computer. Teach them how to use the internet so they can chat with their grand children and probably with other people of their age. I think it will be an entertainment for them. I’m sure they will save a lot of money by not playing the pokies.
    Advise them what computer to buy, get them a good deal and make a deal with a computer supplier.
    Secondly to fix computers of people who have problems with their software.

    How much you charge is up to you (below the market price of course)
    Put an ad in the local newspaper to promote your service so that people could contact you.

    Probably you could call your home business:

    Good Luck in your endeauvors!

    Profile photo of SalabergeSalaberge
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    WOW! You have just blown me away – especially when I think of how long it has taken me to get where you are at 17![:)]

    Here’s some websites to help you with info on starting a busines…

    Some GST fun with the ATO…

    And since you’re from gorgeous Qld some excellent help and guidance from Pete and his mates…


    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763

    Hi Christopher,

    Thanks for your post. I also saw your other post, but at this stage, to be fair to other similar posts that were edited, I needed to edit yours too as external advertising is not allowed.

    But please don’t see this as a put-down.

    In fact, I’m greatly encouraged by your post. You have a bright future ahead of you if you can overcome the doubts that will arise when you find it hard to make a start (too youg, not enough money etc.).

    Anyway, I think you are on the right track re: finding deals rather than investing in deals yourself. Just start with local people you know or attend local investment seminars to start building your network.

    Trading shares might be a place to start… there is a lot of informartion on this topic in your bookstore. Also visit:

    I can’t tell you what to do, but I can say that there are no limits to iniative. Other people may box your mind – but don’t you do it.

    Keep researching and make a montly action plan in the following areas:

    1. Knowledge
    2. Finance
    3. Action
    4. Relationships

    All the best.

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of BillfromozBillfromoz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 381

    G’day Christopher…

    Are we reading a post from….
    “Australia’s future Prime Minister”.
    I don’t think any of us would be surprised.

    Christopher, young people like you will get all the help you need. Notice Steve’s post…
    “Young Qlder needs help”. How could we not want to help? You are an intelligent young man.

    Keep doing what you are doing now…educating yourself with books. Buy yourself a copy of .
    “The Richest Man in Babylon”…about $10.

    Why not write a letter to those in business or any Leader in their chosen field, that you admire?
    Just “write your story” as if you are speaking to them. You may be surprised at the response.

    As for earning an income with a home based biz. Use your IT skills as has been suggested by Prop16, if that appeals to you.

    Pound the pavement, go to schools , clubs, small biz’s and offer them your help.
    Do a letter box drop in your neighbourhood,offer the first 30 minutes Free. Word will spread and you’ll get referrals.

    Got an idea….Why not write to Steve and ask him for an hour of his time ? I don’t think he would say no.He is as impressed as the rest of us.

    All the best..


    Profile photo of Young_InvestorYoung_Investor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9

    Hi Prop16, Salaberge, Steve and Billfromoz,
    I would like to thank you all for you helpful contributions. I’ll take your suggestions onboard and continue to aim to achieve my ultimate goal of financial independence, keeping in mind everything that you’ve suggested. J
    Thanks again.

    Kind Regards,
    ([email protected])[:)]

    Profile photo of MonkeyMagicMonkeyMagic
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 90

    Hi chris,

    There are some good tips here but not to put a damper on anything you do have to work hard at starting a small business. As they say a lot of small business colapse early on. I was just looking to do the same although my startup costs may be quite a bit higher than some of the ideas given. Just having a look makes you realise how little I know. I do believe a business is the way to go and the best way to mitigate risk is knowledge. Make sure you do keep reading and don’t let people stop you.

    That babylon book isn’t bad but your best bet is go down to your library, books are free there. Make use of the tax you pay.

    Personally I believe a balance is good but currently I’m all in the stock market. You do have to find an investment method with which you are happy with. I don’t really believe that the stock market as a long term buy and hold stategy works too well. (I’m talking decades) A lot of shares that were blue chip 20 years ago aren’t there now.

    Managed funds are generally a better buy and hold, let the managers do the buying and selling. I think one of the most important things in the stock market is capital preservation. You must cut your losses. If you lose 50% you need 100% to break even, and thats tough, especially with little money.

    I liked the trading method and money management plan thats done by colin nicholson on but you do have to find something that your comfortable with. Keep up the knowledge and put together a plan.

    Hope that helps Josh

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