All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Net Cashflow Returns???

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  • Profile photo of russboothrussbooth
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3


    My husband has asked me on behalf of him (he’s computer illiterate) to clarify something in the book ‘From 0 to 130 Properties in 3.5 years’… excuse me if I make a mistake, as he is at work at the moment, and as we only recently received the book (which we ordered on this site) and my husband has been furiously reading through it – I haven’t as yet had a chance to read it.

    Anyway, he’s a little confused about something in Chapter 8, on page 107, line 4 – the paragraph about NET CASHFLOW RETURNS. He’s asked me to ask the following of either Steve, or anyone else who might be able to clarify the following:

    Could someone please explain net cashflow returns with a little more detail as non-cash depreciation charges do not make much sense to him. He’s asked if someone could please define or give examples of:

    1. Cashflow received;

    2. Cashflow paid.

    Thanks so much!! I know my husband is very excited about the book and really feel he needs to clarify these points so he can move forward.


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