All Topics / The Treasure Chest / I think I should go….do I need experience?

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  • Profile photo of WillieWillie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9

    Hello all,

    The answer to Steve’s question ‘Would you like to be a property millionaire?’ is of course an unequivocal Yes Please!!! [:D]

    Of course I’ll be demonstrating my inexperience and nervousness here, however feel I have to at least ask a few questions of you.

    Should I go? Will it really bring me the benefits, and lifestyle that I want?

    I have lived in various countries around the world, worked in a variety of environments including Banking, Event Management, Hospitality, and IT, and yet although I think I’m smart enough, and do understand alot of what I’ve seen and heard already, I still need that little push, those words from people who’ve succeeded that may remember back to their start, and associate with my reservations.

    Your advice is appreciated.


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