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  • Profile photo of yatesjodiyatesjodi
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks everyone, 3 different approaches, so definitely something for us to think about.  Thanks for taking the time to respond, it's much appreciated.

    Profile photo of yatesjodiyatesjodi
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 4

    We won't be moving anytime soon.  We moved to Melbourne from Qld 2 years ago (for work purposes) and would like to be back there sometime in the next 3 – 5 years (maximum).  If we weren't to move though, it wouldn't make any difference to our investment strategy, we'd continue to rent where we are and invest our surplus funds.

    When we move back we'll probably rent until we find a PPOR for ourselves (so ideally we're looking at putting the minimum into our IP's, probably in an offset account and then using these funds for our non-deductible debt when the time comes).

    Hubby is employed by a bank and his job is fairly specialised, so we aren't particularly worried about job loss (he's been offered similar roles with 2 other banks recently, but turned them down because he likes his colleagues where he is).  We do have income protection insurance though, in case of illness or the like (touch wood we never have to use it).

    Hope that helps and thanks again for your input.

    Profile photo of yatesjodiyatesjodi
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks for the welcome JacM:) 

    With regard to serviceability, we have approximately $1500 – $1700 per month surplus funds, so I believe we shouldn't have any problems there?

    Thanks in advance,

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