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  • Profile photo of WattypWattyp
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks all.
    Sonyasal – No agreement whatsover. We more or less turned up with the cash and bought the property. We were going to make an agreement in regards to if one of us died but we just never got around to it. Looks like I will just have to have a chat to my lawyers.

    Profile photo of WattypWattyp
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks everyone for your replys. The property is doing well and that is why I am not interested in selling. I am cruising along at the moment so I wasn't interested in taking on the whole amount which I suppose I may have to. It's not a bad thing. I am not overly confident in todays economic environment so I preferred to hedge my bets. I made an effort to simplify my current lifestyle and investments. I will obviously get my lawyers involved at some time ( I just don't like to waste money on them). My question in general is, "do I have to sell my share"? I don't believe they can make me sell but I am not exactly sure of the laws in regards to land title shares.

    Profile photo of WattypWattyp
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks BG. Is that from a legal aspect or from a dealing with friends aspect. If I stay put with my share and they are unable to make me sell then they may be a bit peeved at this time but will sort there own mess out other ways.

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