ubique17 replied to the topic Dual Occupancy conversions in Brisbane in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 5 months ago
Excellent, thanks for all the advice. Have been finding a number of properties around the Brisbane area that are already on the way to this kind of set up, but would hazard a guess that legally they're still a long way from compliance. Have been getting rather empty answers from REA's when questioned further! (are there any genuine agents ou…[Read more]
ubique17 replied to the topic Best advice : Don’t invest into property : The australian market is CRASHING. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 6 months ago
Scamp wrote:
because in the end, I will pay for those people's mistakes when I live in Australia from next year on.Scamp, have you ever considered that IMMI may not let you settle in Australia? After all, it appears from your multitude of postings that the world is ending, and we certainly won't need IT boffins (or dooms-dayers with sandwich…[Read more]