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  • Profile photo of SusansSusans
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    Hi All

    I drive a BMW and I also have people making snyde remarks about my being wealthy. I bought the BMW as a present after I had survived the same cancer that killed my father. The car was second hand, 3 years old and the bank still owns it, but it made me feel on top of the world. My beamer has since done 210,000 km and is still in perfect condition.

    My husband bought a brand new Lantra a year before and its falling apart now and he will have to replace it soon, so my beamer has turned into a good investment as well.

    Unfortunately, those who don’t own a BMW automatically think you are rich and treat you with contempt. I have come to the conclusion that it must be a tall poppy thing and it is really their problem and they should get over it. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying every minute of my car.


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