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Rosa Tong

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 12 months ago

    Despite any bad debt anyone here can open up a savings account and it is required by the federal government if they want their Welfare, not paid any other way as far as i know.

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 12 months ago

    Dude seriously don't hold me up like that I don't appreciate it…I myself realise that these things as you have admitted happen to seasoned investors…and what works for one person may not work for another…different people are comfortable with different styles of investing…My thing is that despite my griping and negativity, I am always…[Read more]

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 12 months ago

    Okay it has been a while since my last update…and things are going along great.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH ENGELO RUMORA!!!! You and you team are Gold…

    So good news, the area i bought is was decent enough and the property was great shape YAY! Engelo and his team put me in touch with another property manager, who has a tenant signed on…now only to…[Read more]

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Any good property managers in Kansas city, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    I bought the property through Housebuyers USA… who have been in business in Australia for a number of years which is why i went with them, plus they have been featured on a few show here in OZ, and those networks do do their research. Since then many have popped up.  I have kept in contact with them letting them know of all the trouble i have…[Read more]

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    Engelo and Jay I am truly amazed that tenants still deal in cheques and cash. In australia BPay and direct debits are the norm, so no pavement pounding needed or required,

    I have recently discovered that US varies greatly in what they call an acceptable commute.  in Australia 30 minutes is normal, where is in US 30 minutes in very long. some here…[Read more]

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Landlord Insurance in the USA….finally !! in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    jeepers in australia landlord insurance has been around for ages…and covers loss of rent and tenant damage to property as standard  if not completely recovered by the seizure of the bond. too bad you can't get it vs bad property managers, which seems to be my problem at the moment

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    bad news again…new property maanagers said that I had tenants…. and now i find out…well found out a about november after mmonths of emails that they apparently haven't let out the property…so way behind and am now selling the property.. Rent o buy unless someone can come up with some decent money up front..I have already put more than i…[Read more]

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 9 months ago

    Hey Gazz, Yep I have gotten the money! finally!!!! only took bout 9 months for them to come through…and no my place was not in a ghetto…sometime a few legal letters and support really do help.  I for one don't see a problem with owning "Ghetto "  property… depends on the type of ghetto, the tenant and of course your property manager.  Now…[Read more]

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic UK buy to let in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago

    do those same lending rules apply to the Ireland and Scotland? or just to to british properties?

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago

    I have had the same problem with the communications from them and when they do reply it is promises promises, but not showing the money. It could be several things or all, but regardless they were contracted for a service and they should be providing it. I have a lot of arrears and it has ceased to try my patience and irked my rationality.

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago

    Rental Arrears…no money in bank and promises of immediate payment, leading to more promises of immediate payment leading to nothing.

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago

    it can be difficult and I am based in Australia.  At the moment the property management is the issue. unfortunately no new tenants atm as it is winter there and i guess most house hunting doesn't go on when there is cold and possibly snow. which is understandable.  Everything else has been very easy… but i guess it is the same as here there are…[Read more]

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago

    Nothing yet Gazza, how about you and the arrears?…I forgot that it would be winter over there…brrrrrr!

  • LOL…that doesn't mean that having a higher paid job won't help, ( I have applied for a job in the mines…many times… still hoping, but realistically my spending habits will be pretty much the same)

    I have an easy budget. I basically split my income into 3 parts…

    1. Saving (automated amount)
    2. expenses – you can either move it to a…[Read more]

  • Nice!!!! Also this page may help some people.

    and here is the address for the short tax return for individuals.

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago

    I have sent multiple emails as well as me legal rep over there contacting them…considering their past history and all that strong legal action was advised, but to keep costs down, better for a class action as cheaper in legal fees, though a slightly longer process.  It is not cost prohibited for a class action.  I had no problems changing…[Read more]

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago

    No… USA Missouri

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Au $ – 1.07 – predictions in the forum Au $ – 1.07 – predictions 12 years, 1 month ago

    some people are predicting that in 5 years 1AUD = 2US….not me, but heck i then wonder at the Pound comparison

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic Precise Property Management, MO in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago

    I have switched property managers and am consulting legal advice…Rentals arrears of about 7 months rent, new property managers managed to evict the tenants, who left pretty quickly when asked to provide proof of payment, and the state that the place was left in was not good.  I and my legal reps have contacted them multiple times and they have…[Read more]

  • Rosa Tong replied to the topic soooo Who here ownes property in USA ? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 2 months ago

    like thongs( flip flops)?… hee heee… boot (trunk)? Jiro sandwich (donor kebab)… also cheerios (wieners)……just a few things to help break down the language barrier…..

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Rosa Tong

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