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  • Profile photo of RespondentRespondent
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 3

    My response to you is know what you are speaking of when you make comments. If you own a property you dont have to be a realtor to purchase the property. 

    Also we do not manage any properties we secured tenants and then would move them to another property manger. 

    Profile photo of RespondentRespondent
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 3

    Fortis Global  helped to secure  discounted investment  properties for individual investors with discounted prices and very little headaches in terms of renovations. During the process we were making an inordinate amount of acquisitions and I tasked someone to find tenants for these properties so the investors could have current cash flow shortly after their purchases. During this process some things were overlooked as properties were handed over to the permanent property managers. . The process  was intended to be seamless transfers to the new permanent property management company that had nothing to do with Fortis and a lot of issues arose from that process. 

    I am working to help resolve any issues related to this process with the investors.  We are not a management company just an acquisitions company who supplies superior  residential and commercial  property.

    We have at this point decided that we will not secure tenants or do any type of marketing for tenants for the owners who purchase instead refer them to the permanent property manager during the purchase phase so no issues arise in the future.

    Also I would like to add that there two sides to anything that is posted. 

    Profile photo of RespondentRespondent
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 3

    This story is not accurate. Like Mr. Brown states the beginning with this process started our very smoothly and got very complicated once the tenant did not make lease payments in a timely manner. There was a bit of miscommunication regarding the matter. At the end day I wasnt managing these properties in a day to day manner . I have been in contact with Mr. Brown to get these items resoved as soon as possible. 

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