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  • pkrpkr replied to the topic Anyone using social media / website to promote their bizz? in the forum Creative Investing 4 years, 4 months ago


    My wife has a business as an IT consultant and it’s hard to keep her website at the top of the Google search results. There too, as with my real estate business, most of the contacts coming through online are not really good compared to old school methods such as a personal network.

    For me the conclusion at the moment is not spend too…[Read more]

  • pkrpkr started the topic Anyone using social media / website to promote their bizz? in the forum Creative Investing 4 years, 4 months ago

    Just curious if anyone is actively using social media and their own website to market their real estate business?

    Of course Steve has a separate income generating leg from, but there are other forms of internet presence.

    For example I have a basic website which lists any properties as soon as they become available for…[Read more]

  • pkrpkr replied to the topic IS THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN DREAM FINALLY DEAD!!!!!!!! in the forum No Subject 17 years, 4 months ago

    Here in Holland you can’t even buy properties under $250,000 and most rentals are under $160/week because of controlled rents. Land for building is upwards of $375/m2 and hardly available. Starters can’t afford a house unless their parents lend money. Still get a decent cashflow by getting off the beaten track. You have so much land and so many…[Read more]


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