Peter Gerolymatos‘s profile was updated 8 years, 11 months ago
Peter G started the topic “Ready to Rent” :: What Does It Mean? in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years ago
Recently, an Australian Investor reached out to my company in the U.S. stating that he was fed up with his current Property Manager (for various reasons), and asked if we would accept his property for management. We agreed, and one of the first things my staff did was to visit the property to determine what shape it was in. This is Standard…[Read more]
Peter G replied to the topic US Investing Where from Here?? in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years ago
A couple of things:
MTR, I’m 100% with you on Management, but doesn’t having a good manager mitigate any risk you may have in “not knowing” a particular market? The US is so vast, there are performing pockets in just about any city/region, and for all price points. Perhaps you could consider looking at it “top-down”: i.e., qualify a Manager,…[Read more]
Peter G replied to the topic Does investing in the US actually work? in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years ago
It’s great to hear positive success stories, and it’s clear that good management is critical to the success of an investment. But what is the definition of “good management”? It’s something that has remained nebulous and vague, and can range from an emotional definition (“They really understand me”) to an analytical one (“They hit my ROI…[Read more]
Peter Gerolymatos‘s profile was updated 9 years ago
Peter G replied to the topic Does investing in the US actually work? in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years ago
Hi Ten, CL1706 .. You’re both absolutely right in saying that having the right people on the ground is paramount to a successful investment. Click here to see another article I wrote about Screening your Property Manager.
I appreciate your responses, and welcome any tips and tricks you may have that can assist others.
Peter G started the topic Does investing in the US actually work? in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years, 1 month ago
It’s happened to many Australian Property Investors:
“Went to the seminar, got sucked into the hype, bought 1,2, or more “cheap” Turnkey U.S. properties with projected ROIs of 15%-20%, used my Super and savings to do it, and now 3-4 years down the road the reality is that I paid too much, I’ve lost money, I’ve had to rehab the property at least…[Read more]
Peter G replied to the topic Section 8 Tenants in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years, 1 month ago
A few tips about Section 8 tenants and the Housing Authority (specifically Kansas City, MO):
– Tenants are not screened by the Housing Authority for criminal or prior housing history – only the requirements for (lack of) income need to be satisfied. If your Manager is not undertaking additional screening, you’re likely to end up with a…[Read more]
Peter Gerolymatos‘s profile was updated 9 years, 1 month ago
Peter G replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Judith .. try clicking here .. Would love to hear more!
Peter G replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years, 1 month ago
As a seasoned US Property Investor and currently the owner of a mid-sized Property Management Company in the US, I’ve noticed through my business activities that many Australian Investors purchased investment properties a few years ago (when the exchange rate was more favourable) without being properly educated or truly informed of their i…[Read more]
Peter G replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years, 1 month ago
As a seasoned US Property Investor and currently the owner of a mid-sized Property Management Company in the US, I’ve noticed through my business activities that many Australian Investors purchased investment properties a few years ago (when the exchange rate was more favourable) without being properly educated or truly informed of their i…[Read more]
Peter G started the topic Property Management in USA the Key to Success in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years, 1 month ago
As a seasoned US Property Investor and currently the owner of a mid-sized Property Management Company in the US, I’ve noticed through my business activities that many Australian Investors purchased investment properties a few years ago (when the exchange rate was more favourable) without being properly educated or truly informed of their…[Read more]
Peter G started the topic USA Property Management the Key to Success in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years, 1 month ago
As a seasoned US Property Investor and currently the owner of a mid-sized Property Management Company in the US, I’ve noticed through my business activities that many Australian Investors purchased investment properties a few years ago (when the exchange rate was more favourable) without being properly educated or truly informed of their…[Read more]
Peter Gerolymatos changed their profile picture 9 years, 1 month ago
Peter Gerolymatos became a registered member 9 years, 1 month ago