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  • Profile photo of petelangtonpetelangton
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    As I was reading Dazzlings post all I could think was…wow, what we have here is a major case of sour grapes. Good on you Fishman, it’s clear you have many options at your disposal. Despite Dazzlings jealous, jaded view that you are extravagant and headed for disaster because you have a high income and children at expensive private schools, I think you’ll do very well.

    Also Dazzling, you talk about ways to create wealth in your posts, so I wouldn’t be recommending removing children from private school education. Statistically the majority of university places are won by private school students, and statistically, tertiary education means a higher income – with which to put towards property investment.

    There’s also no nobility in living like a monk, and with a good income you can have a decent, reasonable living standard and still invest. And what’s with the obsession about female friends and family constantly sitting in judgement, people trying to look wealthy, and the assumption of flashy cars and gadgetry in fishmans situation…talk about an obvious complex.

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