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  • Profile photo of Paula GardinerPaula Gardiner
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    Thank you for all of your replies.

    I have been putting many questions to the real estate and property managers and its good to see that the questions I have been asking are the ones that you suggest here in the forum. It’s a bit of a confidence builder knowing that I am headed in the right direction.

    Also after chatting with the bank, they will only lend 65% because the title on one of the properties is a community title and not an individual title. Another important peice of information and another question added to the list of many [exhappy]

    Profile photo of Paula GardinerPaula Gardiner
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    Thank you Derek. Having experienced people to bounce questions off makes the road a little easier to travel.

    There are one or two things you mentioned that I have not asked about already, but will do so before jumping in.


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