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  • Profile photo of Michael2Michael2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    I think its a great idea, personally i’d be building as many as possible, subject to council approval, it should be easy to have them positvely geared and means you can keep a close eye on your investments, also as simple repairs become needed or one needs to be painted you’ll be right there, why pay for more land if you dont have to, very simple houses are not expensive

    Profile photo of Michael2Michael2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    definately DO NOT give back the 7G’s its your mates right to keep that money, the government has said you can lease the property out for 12 months, the fact the tenant will not move is not his fault, the government for years has been offering incentives to first home buyers with the same conditions, and for years people have not been moving into their properties within 12 months, as a result very few have been caught and of those that have very few have had to return the money, despite common believe our government is one of the best in the world and actually very understanding, if your mate is ever questioned he just needs to show all the paper work pertaining to trying to get the lady to move and everything will be fine DONT WORRY.

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