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  • mech81 replied to the topic Opinions please in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Oh sorry the apartment is in the suburb of South Melbourne. I've just come upon another conundrum – to lease the apartment furnished or unfurnished. I;ve been making some calls around and been getting mixed msgs regarding furnished apartments. The gist is that furnished apartments are mainly for short term leases of 3-6 and rarely 12 months. The…[Read more]

  • mech81 replied to the topic Opinions please in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Hi Jamie,thanks for your comments. Will definitely call a few property managers in the area. I was hoping for this property to be as minimally negatively geared as possible for a couple of years (almost paying for itself) as it is hard to get a positively geared property within capital cities and capital cities are where I'm more comfortable…[Read more]


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